#32: AHHHHH!!!!!!!

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"What movie do you want to watch first?"

U-know was flipping through the DVDs that he had borrowed, slowly choosing the ones that he want to watch.

"I want to watch Harry Potter!!!!!"

"I want to watch horror movie!!!!!!!"

Upon hearing the word the 'horror', the girls started to feel a chill down their spine. The type of movies that the girls detest was horror. Those type of movies always give the girls this eerie feeling. Fifi was more afraid than Theo when it comes to horror movie. Ting could at least sit in front of the screen, with her eyes closed during the whole movie. For Fifi's case, she could not even stand seeing the cover of the horror movie. When placed in a room screening horror movie, Fifi not only need to keep her eyes closed, but also try to shut the noise out.

"Horror?????" the girls said in unison.

Besides the girls, Micky was also not a fan of horror movies. If he could choose, he would rather watch anything except horror.

"Ne!!! I like to watch horror movies. I can even watch it alone."

"I don't think I want to watch horror movies at such hour. It's like quite late now."

"Yeah. I agree with you. We can watch some romantic or even comedy movies. I don't mind".

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I agree too. If the girls don't want to watch, we should not watch it."

"But....But... If there's no horror then it will not be exciting at all. The best time to watch horror is at night."

"Ermm.... Ermmm...... Horror..... I don't want!!!!!!!! It's really very scary!!!!"

"Ne. I don't want to watch horror too."

"Since, the girls don't really want to watch it we can watch something else."

"Fifi, are you really that afraid to watch horror movies?"

"Ne. So, if you don't mind, can we not watch it".

"I will protect you. So, there's no need to be afraid at all".

"Ermm..... I'm really glad that you offer to protect me but..... but.... it's just that horror movies really give me creeps".

Xiah was a little sad when Fifi rejected his offer of wanting to protect her.

"Alright. If you don't want to, we can watch something else. How about thriller? That would not be too scary, but the suspense is still there. Is that fine with you, Fifi?".

"Ne. I'm alright with that. Kamsahamnida, Xiah".

This tiny gesture of saying 'thank you' by Fifi really warmed Xiah's heart. It seemed that being appreciated by Fifi really made his day up.

"You're welcomed. I'll do anything just to make you happy".

What does Xiah really meant by that. Doing anything to make Fifi happy? This is making Fifi really very confused. Does it mean that Xiah likes her? Fifi tried to brush off that thought. Maybe, Xiah was just being gentlemanly and that was it. Fifi tried not to read too much into Xiah's action. If she was wrong, it would be really embarrassing.

"Theo, are you okay with watching thriller? Will it be too scary for you?"

"I'm fine with it".

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