#50: The Long Journey to Jeju Island

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The girls were all sitting around the dinning table having their breakfast, without the boys in sight.

Fifi: Kiki, it's already been so many months since Jaejoong proposed... How are you going to celebrate your engagement? Are you and Jaejoong planning to have an engagement party? Like those in the Korean drama where you invited all your family and friends?

Theo: Or... Or.... are you going straight to the wedding without the engagement party.

Kiki: I don't know... He hasn't mentioned anything yet... And we're all busy with work... We kinda have no time to plan for anything... And we can't really go public with this... So... I don't know if we should even be having an engagement party at all...

Fifi: (in her own world) Imagine a fairy tale wedding, where you have the cool sea breeze blowing. The place nicely decorated with white roses, the chairs also draped in white satin......... Awww.... How romantic can this get......

Theo: Yeah. I agree. How I wish I can get married now. Then, I will have a church wedding, with everyone of my female guests wearing girly frocks or cocktail dresses, and the guys would dress in suits. How I wish U-know would....

Kiki: Ye... That's a very romantic picture you are painting Fifi... But no girly frocks for me please... And Theo, did I hear wrongly? What do you mean by "How I wish U-know would...."? What would you want U-know to do?

Theo: Erm.... Erm..... Nothing. I think you heard wrongly. I didn't mention his name. I was saying that I could get married too.

Fifi: Oh.... You want to get married too. And who will be groom be?

Kiki: U-know????

Theo: Erm.... Why U-know?

Kiki: Cos I thought I heard you saying his name.

Theo: I think you heard wrongly. I really didn't mention him at all. We are now talking about you Kiki. Not U-know or the rest of the guys. Erm... Why not we go to a resort or some place out of the public's eyes to celebrate your engagement... Since you guys cannot go public on this...

Theo tried to change the topic. She did not want Kiki or Fifi to be probing what happened between U-know and herself. She felt that she was still uncertain about their relationship, and now is still not the right time yet.

Fifi: That's a great idea. How about Jeju Island? I've heard and seen so much about it. Did you watch the show "All In" or the boys PV 'Beautiful Life'? The scenery there is really fantastic. The clear blue sea and the white sandy beaches. Can you guys imagine that view? You know what, it would be great if there are muscular, blonde hair, blue eyes surfer dudes walking around half naked with their surf boards. Awww.....

Theo: FIFI!!!! Can you stop day dreaming about your hunky guys. What's worse is that the guys are not fully clothed. How lecherous can you be.

Fifi: Hey. I know you would also ogle at the guys if you have the chance.

Theo: I won't. I would look at them and appreciate their beauty, and not in a lecherous way, but an artistic point of view.

Fifi: Whatever.

Kiki: Okay, girls.... Let's not get off track.... I'm not sure if it's okay with the guys... We'll need to ask them first... But if you girls want to go to Jeju Island, and are settled on it, we can discuss it with the guys, and see what they say...

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