#46: Dinner plans cont'd

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Micky called U-Know and Xiah to let them know that Jaejoong had made plans for dinner, and they had to get back home immediately to get dressed for the dinner as it was at Samwon Garden. They couldn't just stroll in in whatever they were wearing.

U-Know and Xiah brought Theo and Fifi back home to change, and made plans to meet up at 7.30pm to go to the restaurant together in Micky's car. It was a bit of a tight squeeze as there were 6 of them, and the guys were so tall...

But they all managed to reach Samwon Garden after a bit of a struggle in the car for 20 minutes.


Earlier at 7.30pm...

Jaejoong and I reached the restaurant after a short drive. He helped me out of the car and as promised, passed me my clutches, and helped me walk towards the restaurant.

Samwon Garden was a first-class restaurant. The largest one in Korea, serving up to 1,200 people at a time. It has hosted distinguished guests from different countries because of the excellent food and distinctive Korean character. The decor is reminiscent of an old Korean house. All around the walls there are Korean antiques and everyday articles, while the wooden tables and chairs are made to look like traditional style furniture.

Once we were at the door, we had to take off our shoes, which meant that I didn't have to wear my heel anymore. I slowly sat myself down at the ledge and put down my clutches. By then, Jaejoong had already kneed down in front of me and helped me take my heel off. I smiled embarrassedly, as I was wearing only one heel, and other guests were looking at me. I tried to get myself back up to a standing position. He immediately kicked his own shoes off, and got up to help me get up.

Kiki: Thanks...

He replied with a sunny smile and helped me towards the private room that the waiter was bringing us to.

Once we were seated down, we sat on the floor, in fact I should say that we were kneeling, or rather he was kneeling. Cos my ankle was hurt, I was sitting on the mat with my feet on my side, injured ankle on the top. The waiter passed us the menu and spoke to us in Korean, which I couldn't understand at all, Jaejoong said something to him, and then he exited the room.

Kiki: What did he say?

Jaejoong: He was asking if I'd like to order first.

Kiki: Oh... Then what did you say?

Jaejoong: I said we'll like some tea first while we wait for the rest to come, before we order.

Kiki: I see... Yeah we should wait for the rest first...

I opened the menu to take a look. Everything was in Hangul. I closed the menu and pushed it towards Jaejoong.

Jaejoong: What's wrong? You don't like the food here?

Kiki: Erm no... I don't even know what they serve here... Everything's in Hangul... I can't read Hangul, remember?

Jaejoong smiled and moved himself next to me. He opened the menu and started explaining to me.

Jaejoong: Samwon Garden's specialities include Bulgogi (braised meat with traditional sauce and various seasonal vegetables), Kalbi (roasted ribs) and Naengmyun (cold noodles). What would you like to try tonight?

Kiki: Hmmm...

I thought hard, trying to imagine how each dish looked and tasted like. He leaned nearer and whispered into my ear.

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