#55: Miduhyo

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Kiki: That was a close call...

Kiki immediately closed the door behind her and locked it. Then she realised that she couldn't lock it, cos Jaejoong was sharing the room with her. So she unlocked it and went into the bed, pulling the quilt over her entire head and trying to hide herself and pretend to sleep before Jaejoong came back in.

Jaejoong took a really fast shower. He got out of the shower dried himself and then he realised that he didn't have any dry clothes with him in the bathroom. Thinking the rest were all still busy in their rooms discussing, he sneaked out of the bathroom, tip-toeing with his wet clothes in his hand, while holding onto the towel wrapped around his lower body.

He went into the room and the lights were off, and Kiki was no where to be seen.

Jaejoong: Jagiya... Where are you?

Kiki (muffled reply from under the quilt): I'm sleeping already...

Jaejoong: I see... I forgot to bring some dry clothes over to the bathroom just now... I need to get changed now...

Kiki pulled the quilt even more over her head.

Jaejoong: *giggles* If you're sleeping already, I don't think you'll mind if I just do it here right? It's cold outside, and I'm only in a towel...

Kiki (muffled reply from under the quilt): Go ahead... I'm sleeping already...

Kiki could hear Jaejoong opening the cupboard and some random noises. She didn't even dare move. Her heart was beating so fast it was deafening. She kept her eyes shut tightly.

After some time, she heard the cupboard closing. Then there was silence. Kiki held her breath.

Kiki's thoughts: What is he doing now? Should have finished changing already by now right?

She strained her ears to hear if there was any sound in the room. There was nothing.


The quilt was pulled away from Kiki.

Kiki: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Max: OH MY GOD!!!! The two of them are really noisy... I wonder what they are up to again... But... luckily we're already done!!! They can't disturb us anymore... And I am so hungry I can eat a horse...

Theo: Yeah me too... U-Know, how's your stomach now? Better? You wanna go grab some supper then?

U-Know: Yeah I'm fine... Yes, let's go...

The three of them went out of the house and left to go grab supper.

Meanwhile in Fifi, Micky and Xiah's room...

Fifi: Kiki's screaming AGAIN!!!

Micky: Don't bother... Probably hyung's disturbing her now...

Xiah: Ne... I think so too... He can be such a nuisance sometimes... Always doing silly things... Very un-hyung-like...

Micky: Look who's speaking...

Xiah: YAH!!! PARK YOOCHUN!!! Watch it okay!!!

Fifi: Ha ha ha... I'm gonna grab something to munch on... You guys want anything?

Xiah: Speaking of munchies... I'm feeling a bit hungry...

Micky: Yeah me too... Since we're done already, we might as well go and grab some supper...

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