#25: 给我你的爱

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"FIFI!!! THEO!!! What are you gals doing here!!!" I exclaimed when the lift door opened, and I saw the two of them sitting at my door with two huge suitcases beside them.

"*sign* You're back AT LAST!!! We've been squattering outside your apartment for the past 2 hours already... It's freezing... Can we get inside first then explain later?"

Fifi and Theo both got up from the floor and pulled their luggages to the front of the door. I rushed towards the door and opened it for them, everyone poured into my apartment, and plonked themselves on the sofa. I looked at Jaejoong, and he gave me a "What to do?" look, and walked in. I closed the door after me. Jaejoong walked over and sat on the edge of a sofa. When I walked over, he pulled me into his arms, and I stood beside him.

"Fifi, how come you gals are here?"

"Oh we're on a backpacking trip around a few countries and decided to spring a surprise on Kiki by dropping by here to visit her."

"Back-packing trip??!!! You must be kidding... More like shopping trip I think.... Looking at the size of those luggages..."

Fifi and Theo both turned and gave me an annoyed look.

"Erm... Tea.... Anyone??"

"Yes please..."

I walked away to the kitchen to make tea for everyone.

"I see... You're here to visit Kiki..." Xiah nodded his head repeatedly.

"So how long will you gals be here?" U-Know asked.

"Not too sure yet... Depends on how long our money can last us I guess... This is our last stop already before going back..." Theo replied.

"Ah... Well you don't have to worry about that... Nuna will take care of you when you're here... Just as long as you don't buy too many things, you should be able to last for a couple of weeks to a month..." Max added.

Everyone looked at Max. I overheard what he had blurted out, and tried to save him by calling him over to help me.

"Max!!! Will you come over and help me bring the tea over?"

He looked over at me and scurried over immediately to save himself.

"You trying to 'kill' yourself by saying those things ah? Ha ha..." I whispered to Max when he came over to help me.

"Mianeyo... Slip of tongue... Thanks for saving me, nuna..." He smiled, and made a 'sorry' face, and leaned his head on my shoulder cheekily.

"You better be careful of what you say about women and their shopping habits... They get very sensitive... Even for myself..."

"Ahem... *cough cough*"

We turned around when we heard Jaejoong's voice.

"Hyung... You're not jealous, are you?"

"Of course not... Hurry up with the tea, they are asking for it..."

Jaejoong walked over and nudged Max to bring the tea out. Max went out with the tea, and I took a peek at Jaejoong's face. He looked stern.

"Seriously.... Joongie... You're not jealous, right? Why are you looking so serious suddenly?" I leaned my head lower to get a better view of his face.

"Anio... I'm not... I'd know better..." He turned to face me, "Max is like a little brother to you, like you are like a elder sister to him... So... there's nothing for me to be jealous about..."

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