#34: When rules don't apply...

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I had just got off the metro and she was walking from the station towards the office, which was a couple of blocks away. That was when I saw that there was a man lying on the ground, half of his body was on the street, and the other half was on the pavement.

Is that man okay? I looked around at the area, there was a few people purchasing their breakfast from a stall nearby, and one or two people walking by. How come no one's helping him?

I walked over to the man, as I had to take the path to go to the office. There was no other route. And when I walked near the man, I managed to get a better look at him. His face was sore and bloody, and his hands were stretched out in front of his chest in a spastic kind of way, and his eyes were half open and half closed. He seemed to be in a sort of daze. I thought I should tap his shoulder to ask if he was alright.

Kiki: Excuse me, sir... Are you alright?

When I tapped the man's shoulder, he suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed me. I got a shock from his sudden action, and fell backwards onto the ground, dropping my bag on the ground too. The man started pushing himself up from the ground, while still holding on to me. I tried to help him up. When he was finally at a standing position, I helped him to the side of the pavement.

Kiki: Ajushi, do you need an ambulance? Gwenchanayo?

I asked helpfully. But the man was staring at me with a weird look, and I started to feel a bit scared. I looked around and the people buying breakfast had already dispersed. And the road was quite deserted.

Man: Miss... Do you have any money for me? I wanna get some beer...

Kiki's thoughts: So much for being helpful. So he is just a drunkard...

I was disgusted. How can someone be drunk so early in the day? There was no way I was going to give him money to buy himself more beer. But the man was grabbing onto me still, and I couldn't get away.

Kiki: Ajushi, I think you better get some medication first... As for the money... Mian hamnida... I have none...

I tried to push his hand away, but instead he tightened his grip on me. His face turned angry and violent when I refused to give him money. Now I was really feeling scared, and there was no one around to offer me assistance.


And he reached for my bag, while still grabbing me. I tried to swerve my bag away to stop him from grabbing it. But I was unsuccessful. He grabbed my bag and tried to pull it to him. I resisted and he glared at me murderously.


I tried to give another tug to pull my bag back from him. And this made him even more angry. He released his hand on my bag and me, and I fell backwards onto the ground when I tugged it again. I struggled to get back up, as I saw him walking towards me angrily.

Kiki: OUCH!!!!

My ankle was hurt when I fell backwards, and I couldn't get up fast enough. The man was already in front of me, he grabbed me again, and raised his hand up.

Kiki's thoughts: Oh no... I think he's gonna hit me!!!

I closed my eyes and tried to block his attack with my hands.


Jaejoong was driving towards the office with the cup of cafe latte that he had bought for Kiki, when he saw her talking to a guy by the pavement. He stopped his car nearby across the street, and got off the car. He wanted to get her to hop on so that he could drive her to the office.

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