#52: Babo...

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Seeing everyone gone, Kiki got up from the sofa where Jaejoong and her were sitting on and walked out to the front porch. Once she stepped out, she regretted not taking a jacket along with her. It was a windy night. The sky was all dark and there were no stars in the sky. The house faced the sea, so the sea glimmered and sparkled as the light from the moon shone onto the surface of the water. Cold wind blew against her skin, she felt and immense pain crept up her spine. She shivered slightly.

Jaejoong looked quietly at Kiki as she left his side to go to the front porch. He didn't understand why she didn't want to spend more time with him, now that they were here for their engagement party. Wasn't engagements and marriages meant to celebrate a couple's undying love for each other? And their desire to be with each other for the rest of their lives? He just didn't understand what was on her mind. He noticed her shivering slightly as the wind blew against her. She didn't have a jacket on.

Kiki's back was facing the living room, but she could hear the front door open. But she didn't turn around. She felt arms going around her waist and hug her from behind, she turned her face.

Jaejoong: Can you please tell me what did I do just now to upset you? I know I am a bit slow... So I don't know what I did wrongly... But I'm not the slowest in the group... There's still Junsu behind me...

Kiki giggled when she heard that.

Kiki: Don't be so mean to Xiah... You guys are always bullying him...

Jaejoong: At least it made you laugh...

Kiki: I just think... we shouldn't rush things... I mean... If you say this is a pre-honeymoon... Then it really feels like we're getting married now... And I don't know if we're ready for that now... Cos we've only been together for less than a year... I'm just not used to...

Jaejoong: Hearing others call us a couple? Like a married couple? Instead of yeoja and namja chingu couple?

Kiki nodded.

Kiki: When I said yes, I didn't think that it would be happening so soon... I thought it'll be at least a year later or so... So I have more time to mentally and emotionally prepare myself...

Jaejoong smiled and turned her around to face him.

Jaejoong: What's there to prepare? You're still you and I'm still me... And I still love you the way I love you now... Nothing will change... It's just that we get to really live together and...

Kiki: And???

Jaejoong: People will have to call you Kim songsaengnim-puin...

Kiki: Huh??? What's does that mean?

He leaned forward and whispered into her ear softly.

Jaejoong: Wife of Mr Kim... Or Mrs Kim... Ihaethashut seumnikka? (Do you understand?)

Kiki (makes a face): Anio... Ihaemothaeyo... (I don't understand.)

Jaejoong giggled and covered his mouth with his hand when he saw Kiki's reaction.

Kiki: Aish~ You're enjoying this aren't you?

Jaejoong stopped laughing and looked at Kiki in all seriousness and replied.

Jaejoong: Ne... Joahamnida... Haengbokhamnida... (Yes... I love it... I am happy.) If it makes you smile, I don't mind teasing you everyday, for the rest of my life...

Kiki: Wait... I don't think I want to be teased for the rest of my life... But I don't mind having someone do all the dishes for me...

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