#19: Tonight

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"Hey guys, I not going to join you guys for the food. You can finish it all up... Don't waste Kiki's efforts. I'm going to take a shower first..."

"Okay... hyung... We'll finish up the food... You go ahead and enjoy your shower..."


Jaejoong turned and walked into his room, grabbed a set of clothes and a towel from the closet and went to the bathroom for his shower. As he was showering, the rest of the guys were scoffing themselves silly at the dining table.

"Phew, that was close. Luckily he didn't suspect anything."

"Yeh... I think he's too dazed from the goodnight kiss to think of anything..."

"Ha ha ha... Yeh... I think so too... Wow I really love this chilli crabs... I think I'm going to put on weight if Kiki cooks such good stuff for us everyday..."

"Oh yeah... Regarding that... I wonder what was the other thing that nuna would rather not do than to cook for us everyday... Anything would seem like a better choice than this... Not easy to cook for so many people everyday..."

"Yeah I think so too... What could hyung have asked her to do???"

All four of them paused from their eating and thought for a while...

"Maybe he wanted her to do his laundry everyday? Or wash our dishes? Cos I know nuna hates to wash dishes..."

"I think it's something more extreme than those... Has to be..."

They frowned and thought further, while pausing to eat some food at the same time.


"Phew at last the LAST dish is clean... Gosh I HATE washing dishes... EEKS... Time to take a nice long bath..."

I walked into the bedroom, and opened up the two suitcases, and emptied out the rest of the folded clothes, etc into the cupboard and onto the bed. I took out a set of clothes, towel and toiletries and went into the bathroom.


"I KNOW!!! He asked her to give him a goodnight kiss everyday!!!"

"If it's that, then why would she do it still just now... AND cook for us everyday?"

"Oh yeah..."

"*sign* I think we'd better start eating and think later... The food's getting cold..."


The guys continued eating and finished up all the food. After they finished, they piled the dishes in the basin, and moved to the living room sofa area to continue their conversation, and watch some korean drama.

"Any ideas after filling your stomaches?"

"Erm... not really... this is hard..."

"And I'm feeling a bit sleepy from eating all the food..."

"Yeah me too... Too full... *yawn*"

"How come hyung's taking so long in the shower today... *yawn yawn*"

After watching TV for a while, a few of them slowly dozed off on the sofa. When Jaejoong walked out from the bathroom, he saw the pile of dishes at the basin.

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