#33: The Night After

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"Kiki honey, are you awake?"

I stirred in my sleep when I heard a voice call me. When I opened my eyes, I found myself sleeping on my bed, still in Jaejoong's arms. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and replied, "Yes... I am now..."

I pulled his arms away, and got up to a sitting position, and stretched my arms in the air.

"You're getting out of bed already?" Jaejoong asked, still lazing on my bed.

"Yeah... I gotta work today, remember..." I turned and replied.

I started inching my way off the bed, but Jaejoong suddenly sprung up and grabbed my arm. Before I could say "Huh" he had already tugged me back into his arms. And my face was muffled against his chest.

"Joongie... I need to get ready for work..." I tried to pushed my head away to speak.

He kept pushing my head back onto his chest.

"No... you can spare a few more moments with me in bed..."

"*sigh* Alright... 10 more minutes okay... I still need to grab breakfast before I go..."

"I can make that for you when you shower... So we have 30 minutes more to snuggle..." he looked down at me and planted kisses on my forehead, my nose, before reaching for my lips.

I reacted by covering my mouth with my hands.

"Aish~ Joongie, no kissing before washing up..."

"I don't care..." He pulled my hands aside and tried again.

I closed my mouth and hid my lips from him, shaking my head as he leaned in closer.

"I'll let you off for now... You owe me a kiss..."

Seeing his attempt was going nowhere, he kissed my cheeks instead, and let me get out of the bed to wash up and prepare for work.


*ding dong ding dong*

Jaejoong has just finished making breakfast when the doorbell rang. He opened the door for me, and the entire gang rushed in, planting themselves at the dining table. They started ogling at the food, and Jaejoong gave them a dirty look.

"Hyung, can we eat the food?" Xiah asked, smiling innocently at Jaejoong.

"What do you think?"

"YES!!!" And all of them attacked the food.

Seeing that there wasn't enough food to go around, and definitely not for himself and Kiki. He started cooking more.

I just got out of the bathroom, when I heard the noisy chatter going on in the apartment. I walked over to see what it was, and saw everyone gorging themselves at the dining table. I stood there for a while to observe them.

Joongie is so extremely talkative off-camera... He was hitting Xiah and Max's hands for trying to pinch food from his and my share of food, and was having some sort of verbal exchange with Max at the same time about eating from his own plate.

I walked over to join them quietly.

"Max stop it. That's Kiki's... Eat your own..."

I smiled, "You guys are so noisy every morning during breakfast?"

"Ne... Xiah and Max are always hungry... So they always pinch other people's food... So I have to guard your food for you... Otherwise there'll be none when you're out..."

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