#3: Getting to know you? Or not?

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For the whole day we had a great time bringing them around the city. Showing them the sights and sounds of our beautiful small city...

And I managed to get to know them on a different level...

Something that you can never get to do when a celeb gets too famous...

For now, they are still relatively unknown here, and they don't get recognised everywhere they go. Unlike in Korea where they are probably mobbed everywhere they go...

As a result, the celeb strays further and further sway from the fans, as he or she grows "more huge"...

Anyway, a brief intro on how the guys are like...

U-Know is the 2nd oldest of the group, but he is the group leader. He is the most outgoing, outspoken, and optimistic guy I had ever met... I can say he oozes self-confidence in everything he does... But it can seem conceited to some, but I think he's just confident and optimistic...

Max is the youngest in the group, and the baby of the group. But he is the most quiet and obedient celeb ever... According to the guys, and from my observations, he doesn't party at all, he just likes to read a lot, and play computer games... For the entire period of the tour, he was either reading up on the travel brochures to check out which place he'd like us to bring him next, or he's busy playing with his Sony PSP when he's bored...

Mickey is the 2nd youngest in the group, and he seems to be the "romantic playboy" of the group. I guess he knows that he looks good, so he likes to flirt with anything in a skirt... Well nothing wrong with a friendly flirt with interested girls, but then it can get rather irritating sometimes... However, I still think he is quite a nice guy though...

Xiah is the 3rd youngest in the group, he is older than Mickey, and he is the definitely the Mr Nice Guy in the group... With his soft and gentle voice, he always seems to be smiling when we're introducing the various places of interests. And even when the info is wrong and Max corrects us (cos he's been reading the travel guides), and I'm scratching my head with a blur and embarrassed look, Xiah will just smile at the mistake and divert the conversation to save us...

Jaejoong (as I'd prefer to call him, instead of Hero or YoungWoong) is actually the oldest in the group. I don't know why they didn't let him be the leader instead... Especially when he has a better sculpted body than U-Know (not that I've seen it before, but from pictures of them online), and he can sing better...

Getting to know him is a confusing experience...

He seems to be an enigma to me at times...

He can look so elated with joy at one time (when I agreed to be their tour guide for the day), and immediately at the next he can look all moody and deep in thoughts (throughout the entire tour)...

And him being my fave in the group, I can't help but notice that he didn't talk to me at all throughout the entire tour...

Fifi was busy entertaining Max and Xiah. And U-Know and Mickey were just flooding me with questions about this and that, and making me be their private photographer as they posed location after location...

And once when I was finally "free", and I thought I noticed Jaejoong looking over at us, but when I tried to walk over to Jaejoong to speak to him, he walked away to join the guys...

That was when I felt I really shouldn't have agreed to go on this surreal tour... Cos he really doesn't seem to be enjoying himself, and it made me feel bad for ruining his day-off...

So I decided that I would try to make up some excuse for Fifi and myself to leave after lunch...

*it's time for love...somebody to love...*

My handphone was ringing during lunch. Everyone looked up at me when they heard my ringtone.

".... So sorry, excuse me, I gotta take a phone call, you guys enjoy the food..." I apologized.

Embarrassed, I took it out hurriedly and excused myself to take the call.

"Hey Kiki, you gotta come back to office, there's some problem with the video, we can't play it at all!" my colleague exclaimed.

I'd never knew that what I thought of could come true so fast... There was some problems at work and I had to rush back to settle the issue immediately... I looked over at TVXQ and Fifi... Maybe I should leave, and let Fifi carry on if she wants to, I cannot stand seeing Jaejoong look so depressed anymore...

"Alright... I'll come back now... I'll see you in a bit..."

Reluctantly, I walked back to the table and broke the bad news to the guys.

Kiki: I'm so sorry guys, I gotta leave to rush back now to settle some issues at work now. Fifi can carry on bringing you guys around... if you don't mind... so sorry...

Fifi (exclaimed): WHAT!!! You're LEAVING???!!!

All five of them look at me in disbelief. Except Jaejoong who was playing with his food.

"So sorry Fifi, I can't leave my colleagues in the lurch, I gotta rush back now... I'm sorry..." I said.

"*sign* I guess so... Give me a call when you're done, maybe we can meet up or something..." Fifi replied.

I gather my things, and stand to leave.

"The lunch will be on me. Thanks for such a wonderful day. I'll get the bill first, you guys enjoy your lunch... And the rest of the day... Bye..." I offered.

"Thanks for everything Kiki, you've been a great guide!" U-Know said.

U-Know stood up to give me a hug, and following his cue, so did the rest.

Except, Jaejoong.

I stole a glance at Jaejoong, and I saw him still playing with his food. Gosh he must be really in a bad mood...

"Hey Jaejoong, aren't you going to thank Kiki for bringing us around for the day?" U-Know asked.

Jaejoong continued playing with his food.

"It's alright guys, I really gotta go... All the best for the signing tomorrow... bye..." I replied.

I turned and walked towards the cashier. As I was paying the bill, I felt my eyes burning up. The image of Jaejoong playing with his food and ignoring everyone else stuck in my mind, I couldn't wipe it away. And it was making me feel extremely depressed...

I don't know what happened along the way that made him change so drastically, but he certainly made me feel like it was something I did. Like agreeing to bring them on a tour, and being such a lousy guide and host...

As I stepped out of the restaurant, I felt my eyes turning blur from the tears welling up in my eyes. Hurriedly, I fumbled for my shades in my bag to cover up my teary eyes before hopping onto a cab.

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