#15: Gone...

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I collapsed onto the floor after the lift door closed completely. My ankle was hurting beyond my endurance limit. As I collapsed onto the floor, I realised that one of the makeshift bandages on my knees had fallen apart.

"Oh no... Jaejoong must have seen my injuries... I'd better get moving in case he turns back..."

I struggled to push myself up to a standing position, but to no avail. I fell back down onto the floor and the blood from my knee was slowly starting to form a small pool on the marble floor. I reached for my bag to dig for my mobile phone to call Fifi.

"Fifi... Where are you now?? Jaejoong's left already.... Can you come back??? I can't... I can't move by myself..."

"Oh gosh!!! I've just met Theo... We're on out way there now!!!"

"*sign*... I'd better sms him to let him know I'm fine... So that he won't worry..."


At TVXQ's minibus...

*It's time for love... Somebody to love...*

Jaejoong took out his phone and looked at the display. It was a sms from Kiki. Hurriedly he clicked on the message and looked at the contents...


Joongie, don't worry about me... I'm fine... I've Fifi and Theo to help me... Concentrate on your work, okay? I'll be listening to the radio programme... So don't brood over at the station... Don't let the others dominate the mikes... I wanna hear your voice... See you at the airport later... Missing u already... ;-) Kiki xoxo


Jaejoong smiled when he read the message. Kiki was the only person who was able to make him smile even when he was in the worst kind of mood.

"Who's that? Anyone we know?" Max asked meaningfully.

Jaejoong looked up from his mobile phone at Max. He glanced cautiously at his manager to check if he was suspicious. His manager was talking to the local record company representative on the arrangements for the night. Jaejoong looked back at Max and nodded his head while grinning.

"Oh, its your mum... So sweet of her..." Xiah announced loudly so that the entire bus could hear him.

Jaejoong smiled, "Yeh, she's asking me when we'll be going back and if we want her to cook any special dishes..."

"OHHH.... I miss her delicious cooking... Can't wait to go back..." U-Know quipped.

Everyone looked at U-Know, and Micky nudged U-Know.

"Yeah well... We're going back... TONIGHT... anyway..." Jaejoong murmured softly.

Micky patted Jaejoong on his back to console him.


After the radio show... At the airport...

"Theo... Fifi... Don't you think you gals overdid the bandaging a bit??? My knees look like rice dumplings now... And its just some scratches and cuts... And my ankle is even worst... It's like 3 times of my normal foot size!!! I can't even wear my shoe... People must think that I'm some pyscho who's escaped from the asylum or something..." I complained.

"It's not that bad... And anyway, if we don't bandage it properly, it's going to fall apart later in the commotion at the airport... So we better be safe than sorry..."

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