#37: Inseparable...

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Xiah and Fifi were just leaving the apartment and were taking the lift down. When Jaejoong and I finally reached the apartment, and he parked his car in the basement carpark, and took the clutches, while I opened the door to try to get out.

Jaejoong: STOP!!! Kiki, I thought I told you to stay where you are and wait for me...

Jaejoong rushed over with the clutches and helped me get out of the car.

Kiki: Mianeyo... I just wanted to get out of the car first so you don't have to rush here and there...

Jaejoong placed the clutches against his car and scooped me up in his arms. Then he passed the clutches to me.

Kiki: Jaejoong... I can walk with the clutches... You don't have to...

Jaejoong: The doctor said that you are not supposed to walk too much... So you just hold on to these... I'll do the walking for you...

Kiki: But I...

Jaejoong ignored me and started walking towards the lobby. I looked at Jaejoong as he walked into the lobby and took the lift up to my apartment. His expression was gentle, yet determined to have things done his way. Right now, I was so tired from the incident that all I wanted to do was rest and not argue anymore about how things should be done. Once we were in the lift, I leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt his head move when I did that.

Jaejoong: What's wrong?

Kiki: I think it's the painkillers... I'm feeling a bit drowsy...

Jaejoong: We're reaching soon. You can rest once we reach.

Kiki: Okay...

Slowly, my eyes closed, and I snuggled up in his arms. It felt so safe, in his arms. I could rest without a care...

Jaejoong: Kiki honey... Are you awake?

When I opened my eyes, I realised that Jaejoong had already carried me to my apartment's doorstep.

Kiki: Joongie... Sorry I dozed off... I'm awake now... Are we there already?

Jaejoong: It's okay... I need you to open the door, cos I kinda have my hands full at the moment... Hee hee...

He smiled at me, and I realised that he was carrying me, so he couldn't open the door. So I leaned the clutches against the wall, and dug for my key and he lowered me a little to let me open the door. When I opened the door, I realised that none of the guys were there...

I grabbed the clutches from the wall, and Jaejoong carried me into the apartment, and kicked the door shut with his foot. Jaejoong walked into my room, placed me into my bed and covered me up with the quilt. He placed the clutches beside the bed. He took a glance at his watch.

Jaejoong: Wow, it's almost lunch time already... Do you want me to whisk up something for you? You must be hungry from all the drama in the morning...

Kiki: Ne... I am a bit hungry... Maybe cos I didn't have a good breakfast...

Jaejoong: Ne.. I'll go make something for you and myself... You have some rest first... I'll wake you when lunch's ready...

I nodded, and closed my eyes. I felt his hand brush across my face, before planting a soft peck on my forehead. I opened my eyes when I felt him kiss my forehead. He looked down at me and smiled.

Jaejoong: I thought you were going to rest? How come you're still opening your eyes again?

Kiki's thoughts: Cos I'm wondering how come you always kiss me on my forehead...

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