#18: The Treat

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While we were talking, we didn't even realise that the guys had purposely offered their assistance so that we could speak in private, and they were hiding behind the wall and eavesdropping from the corridor, so they heard our entire conversation...

"Wow... This is like the most words I've ever heard hyung speak before... He's never spoken so much in the entire time that we're stayed together..." Xiah whispered.

"Yeah... He's speaking even more than Kiki-nuna..." Max commented.

"Yeh... He must really have a lot of emotions pent up over the months... And he's letting it all out now..." Micky added.

"I think they've patched up already... It's time for us to make our entrance..." U-Know said.

"And we gotta get back to our computer workstation..." Xiah said, and moved sneakily back to the work room with Max.

"AHHH... At last, we're done..."

U-Know's voice interupted us, and I immediately pulled myself away from Jaejoong's arms. But he grabbed me around and shoulders, pulling me back close to him. I looked up at him uncertainly, but he smiled and mouthed, "It's okay...".

"Eh... Hyung... I see you guys have patched up already..." Micky said.

"So you guys are done with the moving?" Jaejoong looked suspiciously at U-Know and Micky.

"Yeh... Yeh... Hyung..."

"So... You guys can head on back first..." Jaejoong tilted his head towards the door.

I looked up at Jaejoong and wondered what they were doing...

"Erm... Guys... It's okay... I should treat you guys to a meal to thank you for your help..."

"REALLY???!!!" Their eyes brightened up in anticipation.

I smiled, "Yeah... But I don't really have anything here right now... I need to go buy some supplies first... You know anywhere I can get them??"

Micky and U-Know scratched their heads blurly.

"I can take you... Don't ask them, cos they don't do any cooking at all... They don't know anything..." Jaejoong interupted.

I looked up at him surprised.

"You will?"

"Yeh... Just let me go get my coat..."

He looked over at Micky and U-Know, who looked away guiltily.

"Let the two computer wizards know that we're going out to grab some stuff at the supermarket... You guys carry on over here with the unpacking... It should be done when we're back right?"

"Okay... Hyung..."

"Let's go Kiki..."

He took my hand and headed towards the door.

I turned back, "Bye guys, thanks for everything... Just leave the two suitcases to me... I'll unpack those... Kamsa hamnida... I'll make a nice meal for you all..."

When Xiah and Max heard the door close, they rushed out to the living room...

"Phew.... I think hyung knows that we were eavesdropping... He looked so suspicious of us..."

"*sign* Even if he knows, we have no choice now... We've already done it... But I don't think Kiki knows though... So we're safe... And I don't think he'll tell her..."

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