#51: Finally, Jeju Island!!!!

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It was already dark when they reached Jeju Island, and had checked into the guesthouse. They booked an entire house, just enough for all 8 of them to stay. Dinner time was approaching and everyone was rather hungry.

Theo: Hey guys, what are we going to have for dinner? I'm rather hungry.

Max: Me too. If I'm not having my dinner any time, I think I'm going to faint. So, let's just make it quick. I'm really starving.

Fifi: Why not we have steamboat for dinner tonight? It'll be really easy. We just need to get the raw food and that's all...

Kiki: Awwwww.... Fifi are you trying to be nice to Jaejoong and I... So we don't have to cook for you guys when we're here for our engagement party...

Jaejoong: Yeah! We shouldn't have to cook for you guys when we're here...

Fifi: I'm not sure about the rest of the days... But for today since it's already so late... And everyone's tired...

Kiki: Well... At least we don't have to cook today...

Jaejoong: Ne... Kajang... Let's head off now to buy the ingredients before all the shops are closed.

The guys headed to the nearby supermarket to buy the food for dinner.


Everyone was really hungry due to the long journey and no food was left. It was time to decide who to do the dishes.

U-Know: Who's going to do the dishes for today? Why don't we play Gawi Bawi Bo and decide?

After a game of Gawi Bawi Bo, Junsu ended up becoming the loser. He tried to plead with Jaejoong, who is really soft hearted.

Xiah: Jaejoong-hyung, can you help me to do the dishes? Pretty please??

Jaejoong: Mianeyo, I don't think so, Junsu. Cos I want to spent more time with my Kiki.... Unless she agrees to stay with me to help you with the dishes, then I'll be glad to help you...

Kiki: Joongie, are you mad? Don't you know I am the LAST person who will volunteer to do the dishes? I don't mind cooking loads of stuff, but I REALLY DETEST washing dishes... You for one should know...

Xiah: Kiki... please... will you relent just one time because of poor lil' o' me? please please please...

Kiki: Mianeyo Xiah... anything else will be fine... but doing the dishes... I'm sorry I can't help you... If Jaejoong wants to help you it's okay with me...

Jaejoong: But I wanna spend more time with you... (turns to Xiah) mianeyo Junsu... you have to be a good sport... since you lost... you should do the dishes yourself...

After hearing Jaejoong's rejection, everyone left the table almost immediately. Everyone headed off to the living room to avoid being bugged by Junsu. Before Fifi could leave the room, Junsu grabbed her arm and prevented her from leaving.

Fifi: KIM JUNSU!!!! What are you trying to do?

Xiah:Nothing. Just getting someone to accompany me with the dish washing.

Fifi: I'm not going to accompany you. On top of that, I was not the loser. Sorry, Junsu. I really hate washing the dishes. I would rather join the rest in the living room.

Xiah was not going to let Fifi off that easy.

Xiah: Are you sure you are not going to help me?

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