Xiah looked up as he sucked in a few strands of ramen, leaving red kimchi soup all over his mouth.

Fifi: Ha ha ha... look at you... you're eating like a small kid...

Fifi stretched for a tissue and stretched her hand over to clean Xiah's mouth for him. Xiah was a bit shocked by her action. But nevertheless, he was happy to be receiving attention from Fifi, especially when it was such loving attention...

Xiah looked at Fifi as she cleaned his mouth, and she didn't even realise that he was staring at her the whole time, cos she was looking at his mouth. When she was done, she looked up and found him staring at her. When their eyes met, both felt their hearts skipped a beat.

Fifi's thoughts: Why is he looking at me like that? It's like he's trying to tell me he likes me just by looking at me... I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate and faint anytime now... Can he stop looking at me?!!!!

Xiah's thoughts: Fifi... I... I think... I think I'm in love with you... Will you be my girlfriend?

Xiah's eyes were looking at Fifi so lovingly and trying to convey his love declaration message, that both of them were oblivious to the world. Junsu then grabbed Fifi's hand. Max who had his attention on his own bowl of kimchi ramen, didn't even notice that the two had stopped eating and were looking at one another. Micky on the other hand, had noticed that there was suddenly silence from the two and glanced up from his bowl. Once he saw the two of their eyes locked together, he looked back down and continued eating.

Micky's thoughts: Finally... This dolphin is making SOME progress... I wonder where U-Know-hyung is... MIA and slipping away again with Theo...

Fifi's thoughts: Oh no! This is getting really awkward...... AHHHHH!!!!! My heart's beating so fast. I think everyone on the table can hear it..... I better get myself off this situation. What is he thinking again? Does he really have an IQ of an dolphin? Argh.... I can't let him grab my hand for the whole time. And, there's like others around the table.

Xiah's thoughts: What am I supposed to do next? And where did I find such courage to do such a thing. Think Kim Junsu, think. Quick.

Before Xiah could think of his next movement, Fifi had already pulled her hands out of Xiah's grip. Then, she continued with her food, hoping that nobody had saw what just happened.



After walking for some distance, U-know stopped.

U-Know: Theo, can you do me a favour?

Theo was rather confused by U-Know's request.

Theo: Huh?

Theo's thoughts: What is U-know trying to do? I can't figure it out at all. First, he didn't intend to bring me back to the house. And, then he wanted a favour from me.

U-know: Just a teeny weeny favour. It's not going to be hard. Miduhyo.

Theo: Erm.... Okay.

U-know: Will you close your eyes now?

Theo: Huh? Erm.... Okay.

Theo closed her eyes.

U-know stand at the back of Theo and he used his hands to cover Theo's eyes to prevent her from peeping.

U-know: Theo, can a step forward and continue to walk in a straight line until I ask you to stop. And, you better not peep, or else you would get it from me...

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