Fifi: You guys are not thinking of asking US to cook are you?

They nodded their heads vigorously.

Fifi: I think there must be some mistake... Cos I don't even cook at home... So there's no way I am cooking when I'm here... Cos I'm on vacation!!!

The guys moved their eyes to Theo immediately.

Theo: Hey this is not fair!!! Why is it always me?!!! I'm on vacation too!!!

Fifi moved closer to Theo and started tugging at her t-shirt.

Fifi: Please... Theo... You're the ONLY ONE who can REMOTELY cook something edible... Please... please... please....

Theo repeatedly push Fifi away as she continued trying to plead with Theo. The guys looked at the two of them as they bantered back and forth. But there didn't seem to be any result coming out from it.

This went on for 15 minutes...

Kiki: Hey guys, what's happening here? I can hear you from inside the bathroom...

Everyone turned around and stared at me in surprise.

Kiki: Why are you looking at me like this? Can't I speak in my own house?

Max: Nuna... How come you're out so fast?

Kiki: So fast? I was inside for 15 minutes already... How long do you think I wanna shower in this kind of cold weather?

Micky: Erm... Nevermind Kiki... It's nothing...

Kiki: Really? Cos all of you look kind weird...

The door opened at this point in time and in walked Jaejoong. Everyone again looked at Jaejoong in surprise. Jaejoong gave a "Something wrong?" look, checked himself all over to see if something was wrong.

Jaejoong: Why are you all looking at me like this? I don't have anything on my face right?

Kiki: No... You look fine Joongie... I don't know what's wrong with them...

Jaejoong walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. I looked up at him.

Kiki: You hungry?

Jaejoong smiled.

Jaejoong: Ye...

Kiki: I'll cook something... Any special cravings?

Jaejoong: Hmmm.... I think I feel like having...

Max: Kimchi ramen!!!!

Everyone looked at Max in surprise. I laughed.

Kiki: Max... You're hungry too?

Max: Ye... Nuna... I wanna eat kimchi ramen... and BBQ bulgogi... yum yum....

Kiki: Okay... But I have to check my fridge... Not sure if I have meat and lettuce for your bulgogi... But kimchi ramen is no problem... What about the rest? You guys hungry too? Anything else you guys want to eat?

Xiah: Rice with nado...

U-Know: Chicken stew with rice... If it's not too much trouble to make so many things...

Micky: I think that's already a lot of food... I'm fine with anything, just NOT the nado...

I looked over at Fifi and Theo.

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