#48: Kissing in the rain...

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Jaejoong nodded his head and turned back to face the female artist.

Assistant Director: STANDBY!!! ROLL CAM... ACTION!!

When I heard what the director said, I felt like I almost fainted. I steadied myself and got out of the scene. Jaejoong stole a glance at me when I walked out of the man-made rain with the umbrella and towel in my hand.

Jaejoong's thoughts: There's no way I can get this over with... With Kiki around... I just can't think about anything else but her... how terrible she must be feeling... I wished that I could just get this over with in one take... For her sake and mine... But I can't... Unless... Unless I pretend that she is Kiki...

Kiki's thoughts: I don't think I can take this any much longer... It's even worst when I heard it from them... I'd rather see it with my own eyes... But... Please let this be over and done with fast...

I kept my eyes open this time. I looked at the monitor as the scene was shot. The way he looked at her, the expression in his eyes... the love in his eyes... was the same as when he looked at me... When he pulled her into his arms, I felt my eyes blurring as tears welled in my eyes.

Then it happened...

He kissed her...

Director: CUT!!!! Good take!!! Okay one more good take for safety...

I blinked hard to clear my eyes and rushed in with the umbrellas and towels again.

Assistant Director: STANDBY!!! ROLL CAM... ACTION!!

And he did it again...

I felt my head start hurting from forcing my tears back into my eyes...

Director: CUT!!!! Good take!!! Okay now we need to take a reverse over the shoulder of Jaejoong.

I rushed in with the umbrellas and towels again, as the crew shifted the equipment around.

Assistant Director: STANDBY!!!

I rushed out.

Assistant Director: ROLL CAM... ACTION!!!

And he did it again... And again... And again...

Director: CUT!!!! Good job... It's a wrap!!!

About another two hours later, the scene was finally finished. And he had probably kissed her about 10 times for the various angles required by the director. I was already half wet myself from running in and out with the umbrellas and towels.

Assistant Director: Kiki, you can let the cast change out of their wet clothes already. They're done for the day...

Kiki: Yes... I'll do that...

I went over to the cast holding area where the two were standing drying themselves.

Kiki: Guys, you are done for the day. You can go change out of your wet clothes first, pass them to the wardrobe coordinator, and you can take your leave. Good job... I'll update you again on your next filming date soon. Thanks.

Female artiste: Kamsa hamnida Kiki-shi...

I smiled and took my leave.

Jaejoong looked at me as I walked away. He had wanted to make a comment about my wet clothes, but I avoided eye contact and turned before he could open his mouth.

Jaejoong's thoughts: You should get out of those wet clothes too... Don't get sick...

Seeing me busy myself with packing up, he left with the female artist and the wardrobe to get out of the wet clothes. And he left first with his manager, while I helped clear up the set and made sure everything was back to normal for the house owners before thanking them and taking my leave. By then all the crew had already left the location. When I walked out of the house, I stood at the wet front door for a while, looking at the puddles of water. There were ripples in the puddles caused by a slight drizzle. I lifted my palm up to check, there were drops of rain. I rummaged through my bag, and realised that my umbrella was also taken away by the crew when they packed the stuff earlier. I could hear the rain approaching, and it started pouring heavily. I looked up at the sky.

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