#42: Where Did the Rest Go?

Start from the beginning

Theo turned back, facing U-know, and she stuck out her tongue. Theo headed towards the exit of the shop and out into the streets.

U-know started to give chase. After chasing Theo for a while, both of them reached a back alley. There was a dead end and Theo was running towards that direction. Theo did not see that there was a dead end as she was too engross in turning back to check if U-know was catching up with her and did not bother what was in front.

U-know's thoughts: HAHAHA... There's a dead end there, this time Theo can't run anywhere.

U-know slowed down his pace, and started strolling as Theo was running.

U-know: Theo..... If you can run, you better run as fast as you could, I'm going to catch you no matter where you are.

Theo saw that U-know was slowing down, she wondered why he did not chase after her. Upon seeing that U-know slowed down, she stopped for a moment, and looked to the front. What Theo saw was a dead end. Now, Theo began to understand why U-know slowed down.

Theo's thoughts: Argh.... Now I know why U-know slowed down. What am I going to do now? I can't possibly climb over the wall to escape. Ah... I know what. I can read the message before U-know catch me. He can't possibly catch up so quickly.

Theo was about to read the message when U-know caught up with her.

U-know: Theo, you have no where to run. You better hand me back the phone, or else.....

Theo: What if I don't hand it back to you? I want to read your message and that's it. You can't do anything to me.

Theo started to bring the phone nearer to her face. But, U-know went up to Theo and cornered her. He grabbed her hand, which was holding the phone, and then he placed Theo's hand on the wall. The distance between U-know and Theo's face was really close. Both of them could feel each other's breath on their face. Theo's heartbeat was so fast, and her face was turning as red as a tomato.

Theo began to feel rather uncomfortable with U-know's face so close to hers. Both of them stared at each other and then looked away.

U-know's thoughts: This is really getting very awkward. I must think of a way to get out of this situation.

U-know began to released his grip around Theo's hand.

Theo's thoughts: I better return the phone back to U-know, since he has already released his hands on me. This is getting from bad to worse. I should not have snatch away U-know's phone from him. Now, I've gotten myself in this situation. Ahhh....

Theo returned the phone back to U-know.

U-know: Thank you.

After U-know's last words of 'thank you', the both of them stood there in silence. None of them knew what to say or do. They stole a quick glance at each other and then shifted their gaze back to somewhere else.

U-know's thoughts: Oh no!!! What am I supposed to do now? We can't stand here for the whole day. This is not going to work. I must think of something to break the silence. Quick, U-know. Quick think of something..... Ah..... I know. We were supposed to go cycling. I can suggest that we continue our itinerary even though those 2 rascals took off without us.

U-know: Theo.... Do you... want to go to the park and cycle?

Theo's thoughts: Cycle. That's a good idea. At least, we don't have to stand here all day is awkward silence.

Theo: Okay.

U-know: But, there's one thing that you need to know. Micky and Max won't be joining us. They were tired of waiting for us, so they went back home. So.... Do you still want to go cycling?

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