#41: Neoprints!!!

Start from the beginning

U-know: Okay. That leaves the both of us now. Which one should we take first?

Theo: Erm.... Let me see. How about this one here. It was a platform that could be raised automatically. So, I don't have to tip toe, and I can be tall too. Hahahaha...

Theo was pointing at the machine that caught her attention when she saw the self-rising platform.

U-know: That looks interesting. Come on.

U-know grabbed Theo and they heading straight to the machine.

Theo: Wait!!!! Do you have coins? If we don't have enough, we would need to change some coins first before going in.

U-know: Opps... I'm so blur. Let me see if I have any coins.

U-know started to dig his pockets for spare change. Theo, on the other hand, was also looking for change in her purse.

Theo: I don't have any coins. Do you have?

U-know: I don't think the coins I have here is enough. Theo, why don't you go to the machine first while I go and get some coins.

Theo: Okay.

U-know set off to the counter to change some coins, and came back with a huge bag of coins.

U-know: I'm back.

Theo was rather shocked to see the big bag of coins that U-know was holding.

Theo: U-know, don't you think that's a little bit too much? I don't think we need so much coins.

U-know was rather embarrassed. That was his first time taking neoprints. He did not know how much coins he should be exchanging. He thought it was better to be save than sorry. He just went to the counter and exchange loads of coins so that he did not disappoint Theo.

U-know scratched his head, showing a rather shy expression and he gave an uneasy laughter.

U-know: I... I... didn't know that we do not need that much of coins. I think I'll go back and change back to notes. I'm really sorry. I'll go now.

U-know wanted to leave but was stopped by Theo.

Theo: Nah. It's really fine. If you don't mind, we could use up all the coins, but that would take a long time.

U-know: It's fine with me. Taking neoprints with you would be fun.

Theo's thoughts: U-know looked rather cute when he was all embarrassed and stuff. It's really hard to see this side of him. Usually, he looked so confident and calm. It's really nice to get to know the real Jung Yunho better, rather than seeing the U-know Yunho all the time.

Theo: Okay.

U-know and Theo went to the machine that caught Theo's attention in the beginning.

Both U-know and Theo had a great time taking neoprints. They did different poses as they were taking photos. U-know even took the effort of teaching Theo how to find the right angle when taking pictures.

U-know: Theo, let me teach you how to have your face look smaller in photos. You can tilt your head down slightly, but not too much as you double chin will surface. You can also face the camera with either your left or right profile......

U-know went on and on and on about how to look good when taking photos.

Theo: U-know, if you're going to go on and on about your photo taking theory, I don't think a day would be enough for us to use up all these coins.

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