Xiah was frantically rubbing Fifi's head.


Xiah: Joesong hamnida....... I really didn't mean it...... Does it still hurt?

Xiah was feeling really guilty.

Fifi: What do you think? Why don't you try it yourself? I wonder if I'm going to be stupid because of this incident.

Xiah:Joesonghaeyo.... Don't be angry anymore. Tell me what can I do to make you feel better?

Fifi was rather amazed by Xiah's look. He looked so worried and guilty. Fifi started to laugh as she saw Xiah's expression.

This time, it was Xiah who was feeling so confused. He wondered why was Fifi laughing despite being hit by a ball.

Xiah: Fifi? Are you really alright? I think the ball really made you a little cranky. I think we should go to the doctor now.

Fifi: I'm really fine. It's just that your expression looks so funny. I couldn't help but laugh.

Xiah was rather more relieved than angry with Fifi. At least that hit on her did not cause Fifi to any harm.

Xiah: I'm so glad that you're fine. Are you really fine? I think it's better that I accompany you to see a doctor.

Fifi: I'm really fine. Didn't you want to play soccer? Come on, let's go.

Fifi got up and started to kick the ball around.

Fifi: If you can't get the ball from me, I'm not going to play soccer with you anymore.

Xiah immediately jumped up and started chasing Fifi.

Xiah: You can never win me in soccer. I'm going to get you Fifi.

Fifi: Don't underestimate me.........

Fifi tried to run as fast as she could away from Xiah. However, within a few steps, Xiah manged to catch up with Fifi.

Xiah grabbed Fifi by her arm and pulled her to face him.

Fifi: Why is it that you always managed to catch up with me? Argh..... This is not fair. I bet you cheated.

Xiah: I didn't cheat. I was previously in the school soccer and basketball team. So, there's no way you can outrun me.

Fifi was not willing to admit her defeat yet. She did not believe that Xiah could catch up with her no matter how far away she was.

Fifi: I don't believe it.

Xiah: Why don't I let you run for a distance first, then I'll start catching up with you. If I managed to catch up with you, that means I'm fast, and you have to admit it.

Fifi: Ok. This time, I won't lose.

Xiah and Fifi had a great time playing soccer at the park. They chased each other around, but Xiah always managed to catch up with Fifi no matter how many times Xiah allowed Fifi to start first. After a while, both of them were tired. They found a bench facing the pond and sat down there to rest.

Xiah: Fifi, do you want a drink? I'll go get some.

Fifi was still panting from all that running earlier on.

Fifi: Okay.

Xiah went to buy some drinks, leaving Fifi all alone, sitting at the bench as she enjoyed the scenery.

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