#38: A Day at the Park

Start from the beginning

U-know: Hey guys, I think we can start eating without Xiah and Fifi. They won't be joining us for the rest of the day. I don't know what is Xiah thinking, always playing the missing game with Fifi.

Micky: Hyung, it's like so obvious. Can't you see it? Xiah wants to spend more time alone with Fifi, and he doesn't want us there to bother him.

Max: Anyway, isn't it better that they are not coming anymore. I can start eating now. I don't have to wait anymore.

Everyone: MAX!!!!!

Max: ??!!! I'm hungry. And you know how much I have to eat.

Max started to dig in without waiting for the others. Everyone started laughing when they saw his hungry expression as he eat.


Fifi: Xiah, do you know where are you going? It seemed like you're going the wrong way. I don't remember taking this route yesterday.

Xiah: Trust me. I know Seoul better than you. I'm just taking the short cut.

Fifi: Alright. I'm feeling so sleepy. It's all because of you that I have to get up.

Xiah: What do you mean it's all because of me? You should thank me cos I wake you up in time to join them for lunch.

Fifi was feeling very sleepy, she could hardly keep her eyes open.

Fifi: Yeah. Yeah.......

Fifi started to doze off.

Xiah: Fifi?

Xiah was wondering why Fifi was so quiet all of a sudden. He expected Fifi to talk back at him. His vision left the road for a while to find out what Fifi was doing.

Xiah's thought: This girl can really sleep anywhere. I wonder why is she so tired. It's just one late night movie marathon and she's so worn out by it. I think it's better that she dozed off too. At least when she's asleep, she doesn't know that we're not going to meet the rest.

After a long drive, they finally reached Yongsan Family Park. Right in the centre of the park was a pond, surrounded by lush greenery. Picnic tables were ideally situated around the park, with distances not too close to each other. The wind was blowing the willow buds gently, making them dance in rhythm.

Xiah: Fifi? Are you still sleeping?

Fifi did not move at all. She continued sleeping.

Xiah's thought: Never mind. I'll let her sleep a little longer.

Xiah reached out for Fifi's bag, and took out her phone. He recorded a new ring tone and message tone, without Fifi knowing it. After he finished with his mission, he tried to wake Fifi up agian. This time, he made sure that he succeed.

Xiah: FIFI!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WE'VE REACHED!!!!

Xiah screamed with all your might. Fifi was startled by his screaming.

Fifi: Huh???!!! What's happening?? Are we there yet??

Xiah started laughing when he saw Fifi's reaction. The blur look on Fifi's face was classic. Xiah never saw this blur and startled look of Fifi before. Fifi was still very confused by Xiah's reaction.

Fifi:Huh??? Why are you laughing??

Xiah: Never mind. Come on, let's go or else....

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