#22: Drunk on love...

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"Yeh hyung... You know our manager... He'll just pull out from the project, or worse... make things difficult for her on-set... To make her leave the project by herself..." Xiah added.

"I know what I need to do... But it's hard..."

"We all know it's hard for you... We're not having a good time pretending not to know her at all too... But it's all for the greater good..."

"I know..."

Jaejoong turned back and looked at me. His face had a look of despair and pain. I looked at him and gave a forced smile. He turned back and walked on with U-Know and Xiah.


At the restaurant...

The table was a long rectangular table, and we all sat in pairs opposite each other. Jaejoong had conveniently sat himself down opposite me, Max and Micky said beside me, while Xiah and U-Know said beside Jaejoong. The producer, TVXQ's manager and my team leader sat together with the other team members, since they went into the restaurant first.

Being typical Koreans, they ordered a lot of alcohol during the dinner. And everyone were getting drunk. Except me, cos I was spared as I was the only female in the entire team. Even TVXQ were not spared.

As the team were almost all drunk, I was the only one still conscious in the dining room. I was a bit worried about how I was going to get so many people back home in their drunken stupor. I shook Micky and Max who had fallen face down onto the table from drinking all the alcohol.

"Micky-ssi... Max-ssi... Wake up... Guys.... Wake up..."

They were all dead to the world. I looked up at Jaejoong. He was still drinking.

"Jaejoong-ssi, you'd better stop drinking already... You're going to get drunk too..."

I reached my hand over to grab the cup from him. He flung my hand away.

"Let me drink..."


He carried on drinking. I got up from my seat and walked over to his side of the table. I tried to grab the cup from him again. But again, he flung away my hand.

"Jaejoong-ssi, you'd better stop drinking..."

"Just let me drink..."

I was infuriated. I didn't like the Jaejoong that was drinking himself to a drunken stupor.

"If you carry on drinking, I'm going to leave all of you here by yourselves... I don't care anymore..."

He was still drinking. So I stormed out from the dining room, all the way out of the restaurant.

"Why is it that men always have to drink themselves until such a horrible state? They know they'll get a blasting headache from the hangover tomorrow. And it's so bad for health..." I thought to myself, as I paced up and down the entrance of the restaurant.

The door of the restaurant opened noisily, and a drunk Jaejoong staggered as he struggled to walk out of the restaurant. I looked at him as he walked towards me. Angry with the way he had gotten himself so drunk, I turned my back and started walking away from him.

"Kiki... Kiki... Wait for me..."

I ignored him and continued walking away from him. Jaejoong was annoyed, he struggled to give chase to catch up with me, but his limps were not listening to him in his drunken state, and he tripped and fell.

Serendipity 奇缘Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt