Chapter 53 - Rain Check

Start from the beginning

As soon as I open the gate, she claps in excitement that I have her baby brother. My heart is overjoyed that she loves him already and I just know they're going to be best friends when they grow up together.

"I go potty now, Mommy," she says, tugging at my robe.

So much for our whipped cream idea. Dang it. I was really looking forward to-


"Okay, okay, let's go potty like a big girl," I say and she trots out of her room, holding herself with both hands. "This girl."

Shaking my head with a smile, I follow Ferris to the hallway bathroom and turn on the light. While I wait at the door for her to finish her job on her little pink toilet, I gently rock Sebastian in my arms, thinking that it was just yesterday that Ferris was this little.

Both of my babies are growing up and it makes my heart both happy and broken at the same time.

You two will always be my babies.

"All done! And don't let, let, let Baby Brother see my secret part, okay, Mommy?"

"Okay, I won't," I say, holding back my laugh and I turn so her unaware baby brother won't see. "When you're done wiping, use the steps and wash your hands with soap like a big girl."

"Okay, Mommy," she says and I peek over my shoulder to make sure that she's safe.

After she dries her hands, she claps for herself and I praise her as we make our way to my bedroom. I stop us just before we get to the open doorway, holding Ferris back just in case. For some reason, I can imagine Harry posing on our bed and sporting a whipped cream speedo.

Because it's happened before.

Our kids shouldn't have to see that.

"Dadda, we're coming in," I call out, looking around the empty room and I smile at Ferris. "Okay, we can go in."

She squeals and runs inside while I check our bathroom.

"Where the heck is he? What's taking him so long?" I wonder out loud and it hits me. "Text him, duh."

I grab my phone from my nightstand and a knock at the door startles me.

"Who wants a snack?"

I look over to see Harry walking over and carrying a serving tray.

Ferris claps and lets us know that it's her favorite snack, even though she doesn't know what it is yet. Harry smiles at our daughter as he sets the tray with a bowl of freshly cut fruit and the can of whipped cream on the bed.

"I was just about to text you," I say, earning a confused look. "You had me worried a little bit. I thought you were only getting the whipped cream."

"I was, then I heard the kids and I figured whipped cream on fruit would be more appropriate than what I had in mind," he explains and I sadly agree as we sit on the bed. "I even made Seb's bottle."

"You continue to amaze me," I say in awe, watching him scoop the fruit into a little bowl for Ferris.

He sliced the grapes.

"Now don't freak out, Love," he warns and it makes me want to freak out, "but I called Dr. Coleman's office to schedule an appointment," he calmly says, handing Sebastian's bottle to me and my heart sinks to my stomach.

"Oh...and?" I urge him to continue, gently working the rubber nipple in Sebastian's mouth and he starts going to town.

"And they can get me in first thing tomorrow morning."

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