Truth Can Sometimes Hurt

Start from the beginning

"Alright. Five minutes." [Tomas]

Ludmilla leaves. My heart sinks to the bottom pit of my stomach. I didn't want to believe that the only guy who noticed me was playing me this whole time. Violetta was right, if I wasn't so desperate for wanting a boyfriend I would have seen that Violetta would have never hurt me the way I thought she did.

I couldn't believe I was such a fool, but this time I won't get them off that easy. I hid in the room next door waiting for both Ludmilla and Tomas to enter the instrument storage closet. Then I will catch them in the act. I need to find out what ultimate plan Ludmilla is hiding. Knowing that Diego is involved I need to find out quick before Violetta gets hurt.

Sure enough I see Ludmilla prancing into the closet, a few seconds later Tomas enters watching if anyone is watching. Good thing he didn't find me. A give about a minute for them to settle and then I walked towards the door, turned the knob and swung it open.

"What is this? Tomas why are you here with Ludmilla... and...and.. Kissing her?" [Francesca]

"I don't know how to tell you this. Tommy does not like you. Isn't it clear?" [Ludmilla]

"The question is what are you doing here Fran?" [Tomas]

"I heard you guys in the hallway. You think you are so slick. I am just really confused." [Francesca]

"Don't be, you heard us talking in the hallway. It's quite simple, Tommy lied. Violetta didn't attempt to kiss Tomas, but we were able to get you to believe otherwise. I have an ultimate plan of revenge. My boyfriend, Tomas here, is helping me. I get him into the studio if he in returns accomplishes step one of my plan. It worked. Step two is now in motion, any other questions?" [Ludmilla]

"What does Diego have to do with any of this?" [Francesca]

"That I can't answer for you. But what I will say is you are going to find our very soon." [Ludmilla]

She pulls Tomas out of the closet leaving me in astonishment.

- - - (END OF FLASHBACK) - - -

To snap me out of my thoughts a text binged on my cellphone. It was from someone anonymous. It turned out to be a video showing what really happened during Violetta and Tomas's tutoring session. Everyone was staring at me and/or Violetta. My eyes begins tearing and I ran straight for the bathroom.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

I received the anonymous message and I can only know who exactly sent the text. I came out of my stall and notice Francesca hovering over the sinks crying. I didn't want to make much movements, but see looks into the mirror and locks eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry.... I didn't believe you when I should have." [Francesca]

I rush to her side and wrap my arms around her.

"Fran it's ok. I'm sorry you had to find out this way." [Vilu]

"Technically I found out yesterday after school. Tomas and Ludmilla were dating the entire time." [Francesc]

"What?" [Vilu]

"Yeah, I didn't believe it either. Ludmilla is planning an ultimate scheme, but I didn't find out what it exactly was." [Francesca]

I can tell there was something Fran was hiding, but I didn't want to push it. She is hurting and what matters is that she knows I am and always have been here for her.

"Well at least the truth is out. Now it's water underneath the bridge." [Vilu]

"Really.?" [Francesca]

Right From The Start {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now