Eodoras with Eomer

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"I am too late. Only Gandalf would know how to save him, and alas he is still Gandalf the Grey whereas Sarumon is the White Wizard. What have I done?!” I cried out miserably and Eomer hesitated before putting a hand softly on my shoulder.

“My lady, everything will work out in some way. There is still hope.”

I lifted my head and eyed everyone around us. They were silent and some were whispering to each other. “Why are you all here? Shouldn’t you be protecting Eodoras from orcs and other things?”

Eomer only let a little sad smile etch on his face. “We were banned from Rohan after the king’s mind was poisoned. We stay here protecting Rohan from afar.”

I let out another gasp and turned towards the direction of Eodoras. “You must take me to Eodoras! I have to try and reason with the king! There is new strange evil growing in Isengard, I must warn him!”

Eomer’s gaze grew concerned and he looked towards the direction of his kingdom longingly. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do until he motioned for me to follow him and I walked with him to his horse.

“I will take you to the ridge overlooking Eodoras but from then on you must walk. It is safest for us and you.” He then gestured towards his horse and then mounted.

“We have to ride together I’m afraid. I just gave away our last two vacant mounts to some other passerby’s earlier. They said they were searching for a pack of orcs and two halflings.”

My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at him. He sat tall and proud on his horse and I couldn’t help but hesitate a bit before taking his extended hand. His grip was soft but firm, and he hoisted me up into the saddle like I weighed nothing too him. He let out a chuckle as we started off towards Eodoras, and I asked him why he was laughing.

He only snickered again and replied, “You are very lightweight.”

We reached Eodoras in at least a few hours time with the sun just beginning to set. Eomer dismounted and helped me down from his horse. I patted the horse’s nose before thanking Eomer himself but he just waved it off. He seemed to blush a little though, and I wondered if he was okay. Men I knew didn’t normally turn red like that…

“Best of luck to you Saphira. If you do manage to free my uncle from his sickness, remind him that all who were banished are still loyal to him, and will follow him till our last breaths.” And with that he kissed my hand and remounted before spurring his horse and riding away.

I stood there for a little staring after him. He was something I guess. He was nice enough to give me a ride, but I also kind of missed him already. Eomer’s armor was warm and comforting against my back when we rode and his breath was soothing against my head. He was, something else.

Eomer’s POV

As I rode away I couldn’t help but feel a little different. Everything else was the same now, no strangers and no orcs, but what was I feeling? Could it have been Saphira? No it couldn’t have been, she was way too, innocent. Her eyes and her walk were proud yet civilized and she was gentle with my horse. Just thinking about her made me feel, lighter and a bit funny. It was if I had just learned to breath again, and I shook my head to get rid of the feeling. We just met, but would I ever see her again?

When I got back to my men I gave commands to set up camp.

“We will camp here and ride off to Isengard in the morning. We will not go any nearer than we already have been, just to scout! Be vigilant my fellow riders of Rohan, Sarumon is near!”

My men roared in approval and hastily began to set up camp amongst the rocky outcrops that jutted out of the plains. Rohan was no ordinary place for sure, with little rocky caves that came out of nowhere in particular. That was when I saw it. There was a mass of fabric lying on the ground, slightly trampled but still wearable. I let out a surprised gasp; it was Saphira’s cape!

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