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Just a few things I wanted to point out and I have a question....

There are some puzzle pieces that a few have asked me about personally so I wanted to fill them in for all of y'all ...

Milan and August have been watched and plotted against since the very beginning of the series.

Andrew and  Jae. In book one- Lavish Life- the very last chapter of it- August and Milan... Milan was upset with August because one of her friends saw him in the mall with another girl.... That was them

In book 2- Trap Royalty-  Chapter 10 Part 2-
When Santana  crashed August and Milan wedding in Miami he gave August a check for killing his father and the house. What house? There isn't a house, it was figurative. The saying, "Two Hearts Make The House A Home." Recall the end of Trap Royalty.. Two then became one. Who was missing? August.

Also in Book 2

Chapter 28-  Milan mentioned she was only vulnerable with August one other guy of her past. The only guy her of her past is who popped up in this book. Cartier....

Just a few puzzle pieces I wanted to connected for you guys.

Now for the question..... What would be an your idea of the most epic ending? While y'all know I have a few things up my sleeve, I still love getting your opinions to add in.

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