chapter ten

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My phone rings waking from my sleep but it's not who I thought it'd be. "What's up Ace?" I mumble leaning up. "It's Chop. He was found on the side of the highway unconscious."

"What the fuck? What happen?"

"I don't know. I've been trying to use my connections to get ahold of the camera but so far it's no luck on that yet."

"Damn man. Where he at?"

"The hospital. They're operating on him now."

"You think it's random?" I ask.

"Not sure but keep someone with you at all times, just in case."

"Okay. I have Nisha and... Cartier."

"Cool.. Go back to sleep. I'll call you and update you in the morning."

"Alright. Later." I hang up sitting my phone back on the nightstand. I hear footsteps and they catch my attention. "Who the fuck is that?" I get up and walk over to my door. "Armani what are you doing up?" I question.

"I was thirsty so I went downstairs to get some water."

"Uhm mhm. Where's Prince and Duchess?"

"Sleeping mommy. Micai is sleeping too." My eyebrows raise, "Amber's back?" I walk down the stairs to see her and Micah. At least someone's happy. "Milan. It's so good to see you." Micah says hugging me tightly. "Likewise." Amber told me about him being back but she didn't say he was here already. I guess she wanted that time to themselves and I get it.

"Is August back here yet?" Amber asks smiling. Micah smiles drops. "Nah, my husband hasn't returned yet."

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." She smiles. If only she knew the entire situation that smile would drop. "Sure." I says dismissively. "Well baby I'm about to take Micai up see you shortly." Amber says just as jolly as ever. "Alright babe."

"So Micah care to share what the fuck happened?" I question. "Milan I promised my brother I would act as if none of that shit happened and that's what I've been doing. Just know it's serving a purpose."

I roll my eyes, "Are you serious right now? The divorce, the DNA test on our daughter, marrying the bitch, all this shit is serving a purpose?"

"Yes. Stop looking at the actually acts and think about the bigger picture."

"Fuck him and them acts. What the fuck is that important that he would create all this fucking pain?"

"Well I guess it's a party going on at 3:30 in the morning." Damn I forgot he was here. "Who the hell is this?" Micah asks. "My friend Cartier. He's been helping me find Kertury and August."

"Mhm." Micah says appearing to size him up. "You must be Micah?" Cartier says extending his hand. "Yea. Can't say I have the pleasure of knowing who you are though."

"Don't be rude Micah shake his hand." Micah looks at me as I roll my eyes. I look over at Cartier. I wonder he heard anything. Amber comes back down, "Oh hello." She says. "What's up?"

"Milan didn't tell me we had a house guest."

"He's helping me find Kertury and August."

"What? They're here. I thought you said she signed the divorce papers?" Oh my God. Cartier immediately looks down at my hand. "Oh cool." He says before turning to walk into the guest room. Shit. "Cartier."

"Why am I here Milan?"

I sigh sitting on his bed. "Because I need your help."

"Is that why you've been acting like this?"

"I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how and I'm not over it."

"Again I ask why am I here? You know where the nigga is at and clearly Kertury is here. You don't need me. I'm out."

"Cartier please... You thought she was here too but she wasn't." I hate that I'm practically begging this nigga to stay. This is way out of my character. "Milan tell me what's really going on." He says sitting beside me. "I want completely honest and remember I know when you're lying."

"Unfortunately... But I served with divorce papers, august came and made sure I signed them, apparently he's marrying your cousin and helping her get her father's empire back."

"What? Vic is running her father's "empire". Vic was her soon to be husband. What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know but I need your help to find out." I'm so confused on this matter. None of this shit makes sense. "Anything else you need to tell me?"

"I'm stubborn, hard-headed, kind of spoiled, I have a very bad attitude problem, and I'm good at bottling shit up for the sake of saving some face. Although you knew most of these things-"

"All of them."

I laugh, "Anyway it's still a whole new me you haven't discovered yet and I'd love to give an old friend the pleasure of really knowing me. I can be quite fun once you get past all of that."

"You don't say? ... You aren't doing this because of August?"

"As much as I love him, no. That nigga will be just fine he's trying to a marry a bitch. I'm just trying to maintain a friendship here."

"Alright Milan."

"So you're staying?"

"I guess. Got me playing a detective and shit but I'm curious as to what the hell is going on myself." I laugh, "You and me both... So I'll see you in the morning."

"Yeah. Good night Milan." I get up to walk out the room. "Hey how did you know who Micah was?" I ask. "Armani. I helped her get some water." I laugh, "Oh."

I walk back up to my room to see Armani , Prince, an Duchess is up scrawled across my bed. "Mommy." Duchess calls out. I smile picking her up, "Hey baby girl. Hey Prince."

"Ma." I look over at Prince. "Since when has ma been what you've called me?" He laughs. "Daddy told him to say that." Armani says. I shake my head. "Dada." Duchess says. "Mommy can we go somewhere today?"

"Where y'all wanna go Mani?"

"Toy store!" Prince yells. "Son I'm right here, you don't have to yell. We can go to the toy store. Duchess where you wanna go?"

"Hmm. Toys." I laugh, "Alright two for the toy store. Armani where you wanna go?"

"Can we go to the book store? I need some more books."


Just a filler chapter!
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