"Does Leon know about tonight?" [Vilu]

"Yes, but don't worry he is not coming." [Fede]

"Why not?" [Vilu]

"He has a date with Roxy and you two aren't necessarily on speaking terms." [Fede]

"So it's true that they are together." [Vilu]

"Listen you have me, Maxi, Broadway, and Andres. Not to mention Francesca and Camilla." [Fede]

"Thank you." [Vilu]

She hugs me. It brought me a smile I never thought I had. I loved the smell of her hair....

"Thank you...for what?" [Fede]

She lets go.

"For being there for me." [Vilu]

The bell rings and it was time for us to go to class.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I see Violetta and Federico hug in the hallway as I was walking Roxy to her class. I couldn't help over hearing Violetta...

"For being there for me." [Violetta]

Why did it feel like my heart was hit by a brick? I shouldn't care if Fede is there for her or if Fran was there for her. I am with Roxy and she is the one I like. Maybe I am jealous for how I can't be there for her. How she doesn't want me to be there for her.

- - - - (IN SCIENCE CLASS) - - - -

I walked in to find Violetta, Francesca and Camilla at there seats. Maxi was waiting for me to join him. And just as I was about to sit down I could Fede staring at Violetta.

"Hey Maxi, look at Fede." [Leon]

He turns and sees the same thing that I do.

"You think that he might like her?" [Maxi]

"If so, I don't think he knows it." [Leon]

"Leon, why are you so interested in Federico's relationship with Violetta?" [Maxi]

"It's my best friend liking my ex-best friend. Wouldn't you think it's a bit strange to see them dating?" [Leon]

"I can see your point. What are your plans for your date with Roxy?" [Maxi]

"We are going to eat at the Chinese restaurant and then take a romantic walk under the moonlight." [Leon]

"Sounds like a girl's dream date." [Maxi]

"Right! When I told her my idea for our date, she liked it but instead of going for a walk in the park she wanted to check out the open mic café." [Leon]

"And that is a problem how?" [Maxi]

"I don't want our presence to ruin her night of over coming her fear." [Leon]

"I see...well...it's please your new girlfriend or please your ex-best friend?" [Maxi]

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

As Cami and Fran were discussing wardrobe, I could hear Leon talking in the background...

"What are your plans for your date with Roxy?" [Maxi]

"We are going to eat at the Chinese restaurant and then take a romantic walk under the moonlight." [Leon]

"Sounds like a girl's dream date." [Maxi]

"Right! When I told her my idea for our date, she liked it but instead of going for a walk in the park she wants to check out the open mic café." [Leon]

"And that is a problem how?" [Maxi]

"I don't want our presence to ruin Violetta's night of overcoming her fear." [Leon]

"I see...well..it's please your new girlfriend or please your ex-best friend?" [Maxi]

"Vilu? Vilu? Violetta!" [Fran]

"What?" [Vilu]

"We want to know your opinion on this?" [Cami]

"Sorry, I was not paying attention." [Vilu]

"Obviously." [Fran]

"I just heard that Roxy and Leon have a date tonight." [Vilu]

"You know." [Cami]

"Wait...did you two know?" [Vilu]

"I found out from Maxi through text." [Cami]

"I found out from Leon himself." [Fran]

"And when was that?" [Vilu]

"A day ago." [Fran]

"And were any of you going to tell me?" [Vilu]

"I wanted to, but I didn't want you to get discouraged before auditions." [Fran]

"I just found out today like you." [Cami]

"Sorry for being upset about this. But, I don't like being the last person to find out these things. I just don't like it being awkward between the group because Leon and I are living our separate lives." [Vilu]

"It's not your fault, but whenever we talk about Leon you get upset." [Fran]

"Maxi says talking about you in front of Leon he gets a bit down." [Cami]

"I can't erase the past and I've made my decision. And clearly so did Leon." [Vilu]

"Vilu..." [Fran]

"Let's just continue working." [Violetta]

I knew what Fran was going to say. You can still talk to Leon, but I can't. Having Roxy is more important for him then having his best friend around. This time being a part from him my feelings will fade and maybe then we can continue being friends. Until then I have to separate myself from him.

The rest of the day my focus went to tonight. My plan is to sing In My Own World. It's empowering to your own choices in your own life. Fran and Cami also planned on singing there song Once Again. What got me stuck was what to wear. Fran and Cami had said that they would come home with me to help me find the perfect outfit. Although I have a funny feeling they are going to try to put me into a dress. Not to mention to add some color.

Right From The Start {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now