"You need to shower." I'm trying my best not to scrunch my face in disgust due to the smell of him but it's becoming unbearable.

"I don't want to." he mumbles taking a deep breath. I feel horrible. I wonder how long he was throwing up. This morning he was fine but now he seems so weak and defeated.

"You have to." I stand opening the closet taking out a towel and placing it on the counter beside the sink, "take your clothes off. Can you do that?" I watch him struggle to pick himself up and just seeing him fail to makes me sad. I hurry to him to help him and he stumbles into my arms.

Harry's POV:

Everything is blurry and I can't see shit. I can't even stand straight and I feel like a fucking child. She looks worried, like always, and helps me up. I know she isn't doing this to be "nice" I know she still loves me, obviously that's why she let me stay here with her. I love her and have missed her so much I didn't think she'd take me back so quickly or easily. I guess drinking last night was the smartest thing I could've done because it lead her to me.

"Lean back," she presses me back on the sink and her tiny hands lifts the orange sweater for it's hem off of me and tosses it in the hamper. My palms are gripped around the edges so I don't fall over and at this point I just might, "take your pants off." she doesn't even look at me before she turns the water on. Is she mad? Of course she is, she should be. I yelled at her last night and she almost left me because I told her to leave. Why the fuck would I tell her to when all I wanted was to have her? It was the alcohol speaking, not me. I'm sure she knew that. She know's me better then that.

I'm completely stripped of my clothes and she shows no emotion or reaction when she grabs my hand to lead me into her teal colored walk in shower.

"Come in with me?" I pull her into me but she pushes back.

"Just, please wash up? I'll make you coffee and bring you some clothes. If you need anything just call me, alright?" her big brown eyes look worn out and I must have woken her up since her voice is low. I stressed her out and made her look the way she does. She still looks beautiful, but the weighing depression I had put her through is showing. I want to kiss the pain away but I know it won't be enough.

I grab the wall to support me as the cool water washes over my body. It feels fucking amazing but if things weren't so fucked up, she would be in here with me right now.

"Oh," I hear her say behind the glass door, "here's some body wash." I slide it open and her eyes scan me and I know she wants to join me. I should just drag her in but it's way too soon and the last thing I want to do is upset her.

"Kiwi mango?" I half smile leaning against the wall. I feel tired and it's hard to keep my eyes open.

"Yeah, it's all I have." she quietly replies. I don't want her to feel weird around me, it's still me. I'm the same person, nothing has changed. She shouldn't look so...afraid.

"It's fine, baby. Thank you." I take the peach bottle from her hands and she hurries out the room, shutting the door behind her leaving me frozen.

I have so much to tell her; so much shit I have to tell her. My mind is in three different places right now but all I can focus on is her. How am I going to tell her without making her cry? I know she will. I know she'll get emotional and I'm not prepared for it. Seeing her cry shatters my already broken heart into two million pieces more and it's a sight I don't want a visit from.

"Harry?" just as I turn the water off, I see her blurry figure through the glass and I slide the door open.

Aleevonne's POV:

Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now