Dazzaling ark episode 13: dogo's crush

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Narrator: long ago, seven legendary gods of power were sealed away in magical instruments awaiting the day their chosen heirs found them. these gods are known as, the band gods.

Theme music from ben ten original plays

Chorus:(singing)it started when a magical guitar did what it did, it made itself part of his soul with secrets that it hid, now he's got awesome powers he's no ordinary dude he's kion, kion, so if you see him you will be in for a big surprise, he's gonna kick your but and help you meet your own demise, he's gonna find the band gods no matter the shape or size he's kion, kion, all of the power in his guitar, and we all know that it's so bizarre, he'll never stop till he finds the gods, cause he's the baddest dude to ever kill the boss, band gods, band gods, band gods.

Narrator: previously on pride land adventures, we saw kion's past once again, and saw how he was able to redeem t.j. after a close call with t.j's mother and seeing why he did the things he did, kion decided to help t.j stop his child abusing mother. succeeding in doing so, t.j saw a new light of day, and met his redemption. now we cut back to kion's current life in the pride lands. will it be enthralling enough for the entertainment of the viewers? let's find out.

(Dragon ball z ost theme plays and the title screen says dogo's crush) 

Scene cuts to kion and dogo arriving at dogo's locker

Dogo: i gotta say kion. this school really out did itself. i mean, how can they put so many rooms into one building? heck, our house doesn't even have that much room.

Kion: wish i knew dogo, but i don't really bother with it.

Dogo grabs his book for next period and puts it in his bag and walks with kion

Dogo: so what? they just like put a bunch of rooms into one huge building?

Kion: pretty much yeah. but don't worry dogo, i know you were just transferred here, but you'll do just fine. and you got science with kovu. if your lucky he or ono will get assigned with you.

Dogo: heh heh. maybe so.

Kion and dogo walk around the corner and dogo sees a poster

Dogo: hey kion, what's this?

Kion turns around and looks at the poster

Kion: oh right, there's this killer battle of the bands coming up in two weeks, and the band gods are gonna win it.

Dogo: battle of the bands!? i'd better pump my skills up!

Kion: no duh dude! there's gonna be loads of rock, cash, and don't even get me started on the food supply. i'm gonna shove my face in it!

Kion and dogo pass by zuri and tiffu's lockers

Dogo: hey ki, who are those?

Kion: hmm?

Kion turns around

Kion: oh, those are zuri and tiffu, great friends with kiara. i don't think you've met them yet. there competing too dude, you should probably meet them.

Dogo: alright then.

Kion and dogo walk over to zuri and tiffu

Kion: hey zuri, hey tiffu.

Zuri: huh?

Zuri turns around

Zuri: oh hey kion. um, don't look in my locker!

Kion: like i care about what's in there. this is my friend dogo.

Dogo: what's up?

Zuri: yeah, high. listen kion, i don't have all the time in the world, so just introduce dogo to tiffu, and i'll see you dolts at class.

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