Band god ark episode 13: kupatana preparation

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Narrator: long ago, seven legendary gods of power were sealed away in magical instruments awaiting the day their chosen heirs found them. these gods are known as, the band gods.

(Theme music from dragon ball original plays)

Chorus:(singing)band gods, gotta find those band gods, don't stop till you've found Em all, the seven magic gods, it's all you've gotta do to make the band of life, get those band gods, band gods, the greatest test of all is to find that seventh God, danger all around you, evil everywhere, evil will surround you, keep on searching but beware, Kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends will find a way, Kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends are gonna save the day, band gods, there's always evil searching for the band gods, you can always listen for when the guitar calls, you won't believe the magic in the seven gods, you can out you're trust inside of the band gods.

Narrator: previously on pride land adventures, Kion and his friends got bored so they decided to do a little skit with pretend house, but they take it way too far. they go as far as to snap at each other, domestic abuse, cum drinking, yeah i know, it grossed me out too. now that that's over with, our heroes are preparing for a holiday known as kupatana, the biggest day of the entire year.

(Ost dragon ball z theme plays and the title screen says kupatana preparation)

Scene cuts to a random spot in the pride lands with Kion getting a beat on his guitar

Kion plays a soft beat 

Kion: no, too soft.

Kion plays a harder but still soft beat 

Kion: no now it's too hard. plays soft and hard beat

Kion: God, why is this so hard?

Jasiri walks up to him

Jasiri: hey Kion, what's wrong?

Kion: oh hey Siri, I'm just finding the right beat for my guitar for kupatana.

Jasiri: kupatana?

Kion: yeah. I told my dad I'd do some gig at it, but I can't find the right beat.

Jasiri: I'm sure you'll get it Kion. it can't be that hard.

Kion: easy for you to say, your band God is made of vocals. heck, how will anyone know This dude truly is the best guitar player in ever if I can't even find a good beat?

Jasiri: you sure about that?

Kion: what? that I can't find a good beat?

Jasiri: no dude. that you're the best guitarist in the world.

Kion: well, I do represent its band God.

Jasiri: heh heh, yeah. I've heard about kupatana lots of times from moana, but I've never been to it before due to being at out lander. what's it like?

Kion: oh jasiri, it's awesome. kupatana is the one day of the year where both lands unite in harmony and peace, not to mention the day the pride lands were built.

Jasiri: sounds intense. I can see why you wanna play that solo at it.

Kion: yeah, I just need the right tune.

Jasiri: you'll get it eventually dude, heck you saved lives with that thing. if that's not proof that you're good with that thang, then I don't know what is.

Kion: yeah, I can see your point.

Scene cuts to the mysterious jackal pup who was spying on them

Mysterious jackal pup: kupatana huh? sounds fun. I'd better inform mom about this.

The mysterious jackal pup runs off and hops back into the out lands scraping himself

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