Band god ark episode 18: the day of kupatana part two

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Narrator: long ago, seven legendary gods of power were sealed away in magical instruments awaiting the day their chosen heirs found them. these gods are known as, the band gods.

(Theme music from dragon ball original plays)

Chorus:(singing)band gods, gotta find those band gods, don't stop till you've found Em all the seven magic gods, it's all you've gotta do to make the band of life, get those band gods, band gods, the greatest test of all is to find that seventh God, danger all around you, evil everywhere, evil will surround you, keep on searching but beware, Kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends will find a way, Kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends are gonna save the day, band gods, there's always evil searching for the band gods, you can always listen for when the guitar calls,you won't believe the magic in the seven gods, you can put you're trust inside of the band gods.

Narrator: previously on pride land adventures, Kion and his friends were preparing for kupatana when all of a sudden, a young jackal pups yelping was heard from the out lands. after saving the young one, Kion decided to give dogo a taste of what kupatana was like. however, will he notice the threat hiding in the shadows? let's find out.

(Dragon ball z ost theme plays and the title screen says the day of kupatana part 2)

Scene cuts to zazu walking in to wake up Kion

Zazu: Kion,get up now, before I force you.

Zazu pokes Kion

Zazu: is he, is he finally ready?

Kion farts at that moment

Zazu: nope, my nightmare continues.

Kion: I ripped my morning fart zazu.

Zazu: yes I know. I heard.

Dogo wakes up

Dogo: dude, nice.

Zazu: wait, who are you?

Dogo: oh, I'm dogo. Kion saved me from janja yesterday and now I'm pretty much here for kupatana.

Zazu: very well then, as long as king mufasa ha approved. now Kion, would you like to explain to me why your father was locked in the bathroom?

Kion smirks

Kion: no.

Scene cuts to the living room with mufasa talking with Kion and dogo about the bathroom thing

Kion: dad, you're thoughts are lame, Kay?

Mufasa: Kion, I was locked in the bathroom all night. sounds like something you would do.

Kion: pfft, so? it was hilarious. don't worry dogo, he just doesn't have a sense of humor anymore.

Dogo: no duh. so, so, sad.

Mufasa: now Kion, do you have any idea what could've happened in there?

Kion: I really, don't care.

Dogo: cmon mufasa, please don't punish him. it was my idea anyways.

Mufasa: hmm, I see. well Kion, since you didn't come up with this I'll go easy on you this time. and as for you dogo, you're new to the pride lands so I'll let you off the hook. now go along and find you're friends.

Kion and dogo: Kay's.

Kion and dogo run off

Scene cuts to kion and dogo walking to the kupatana location

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