Dazzaling ark episode 12: redemption of a bully

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Narrator: long ago, seven legendary gods of power were sealed away in magical instruments awaiting the day their chosen heirs found them. these gods are known as, the band gods.

Theme music from ben 10 original plays

Chorus:(singing)it started when a magical guitar did what it did, it made itself part of his soul with secrets that it hid, now he's got awesome powers he's no ordinary dude he's kion, kion, so if you see him you will be in for a big surprise, he's gonna kick your but and help you meet your own demise, he's gonna find the band gods no matter the shape or size he's kion, kion, all of the power in his guitar, and we all know that it's so bizarre, he'll never stop till he finds the gods, cause he's the baddest dude to ever kill the boss, band gods, band gods, band gods.

Narrator: previously on pride land adventures, kion's new rival, the lone wanderer tukio, found a mysterious orb inside his tree, and it was apparently after kion. after taking the orb to kion, the next day tukio was introduced to kion's friends, and with the help of tukio, nala became a band god, and kion learned the legendary skill from goku. the kamehameha. now we cut back to kion's childhood, and it begs the question. will this adventure be as fun as the last? lets find out.

(Dragon ball z ost theme plays and the title screen says redemption of a bully)

Scene cuts to kion and simba two years younger wrestling

Kion: and lord awesome lays in for a pin down.

Kion tackles simba who pins him down

Simba: and it's a total bust.

Kion: why do you always get to win?

Simba gets off of kion

Simba: it's sibling heritage kion. the older sibling always wins at wrestling.

Kion: what the heck is a heritage?

T.j is shown in the background

T.j: it's the little punk again. i never did get to finish pulling his teeth out. lester, arron, you guys have the equipment right?

Lester: no doubting it t.j.

Arron: let's hope this goes better than last time. i really wanted to see you finish that brat off.

T.j: patience arron, today is out chance.

Scene cuts to kion and simba walking home

Kion: so, if it's a dude, i just kick him in the balls?

Simba: pretty much, yeah. i'm gonna go get us some food. why don't you, go play with mheetu?

Kion: ok. later simba.

Simba: later kion.

Simba runs off and kion spots mheetu and runs over to him

Kion: hey mheetu, whats up?

Mheetu: hmm?

Mheetu looks up

Mheetu: oh, hey kion. just lookin at these things. don't know what they are though.

Kion: oh, i think simba told me about these. he said there called, pixie sprites.

Mheetu: pixie sprites? you mean like the fairies?

Kion: i guess dude.

Just then t.j tackles kion

Mheetu: kion!

Lester and arron hold mheetu in place

T.j: well well well. if it isn't little kion. i would've finished you yesterday if your brother wasn't there, but now i get a second shot!

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