Band god ark episode 3: legend of the band gods.

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Narrator: long ago, seven legendary gods power we're sealed away in magical instruments awaiting the day their chosen heirs found them. these gods are known as, the band gods

(Theme music from the original dragon ball starts playing)

Chorus:(singing)band gods, legend of the band gods, don't stop till you've found the em all the seven band gods, it's all you have to do to make the band of life, find the band gods, band gods, the greatest test of all is to find that seventh god, danger all around you, evil everywhere, evil will surround you, keep on searching but beware, kion, he's here to show you, he and his friends will find a way, kion,he's gonna show you,he and his friends are gonna save the day,band gods, there's always evil searching for the band gods, you can always listen for when the guitar calls, you won't believe the magic in the seven gods, you can always put you're trust in the band gods.

(dragon ball z ost theme plays and the title screen says legend of the band gods)

Narrator:one week after kion discovered his magical guitar powers, he still found it awesome that he could do that. on this day, he discovered why he had this power.

Scenes cuts over to kion's lair.

Kion boots up his music equipment.

Simba: what's this for again kion?

Kion: I want jasiri to feel like a true pride lander so I'm planning this wicked party for her.

Simba: makes sense.

Kion sneers of proudness

Kion: ready simba?

Simba: you know it.

Kion set his guitar to party setting mode and played it in a peaceful melody.

Mheetu: hey guys, I brought the cake like you asked, hope you like quintuple chocolate. whoa kion, what the f##k!?

Kion: I know right? this thing has so many cool modes on it that it's impossible not to notice.

Mheetu: what's all this for anyway dudes?

Simba: kion thought we should make a welcome party for jasiri,so yeah we grabbed his guitar and headed to our lair.

Mheetu: you dudes are doing this a week after she first moved here?

Kion: I figured this would be the right time.

Simba flicks kion's head.

Kion: ow! alright whatevs dude we both thought of it. But it was like 99.99 percent me.

Simba rolls his eyes while smiling.

Simba: cmon dudes, we gonna finish this party or what?

Kion and mheetu: heck yeah!

Scene cuts to kiara and jasiri a room

Kiara: surprise!

Jasiri: whoa.

Kiara: yep, I figured since we were sharing a room now we might as well get some electronic stuff.

Jasiri: thanks kiara, I love it.

Kiara: no prob, I basically added everything that I figured an adventure lover like you might like.

Jasiri: cool, I'm gonna go find kion now, I loaned him my mp free player.

Kiara: Kay but be back...oh yeah.

Jasiri stops.

Kiara: if you're looking for him then I'd check in the basement. he throws party's and stuff all the time down there.

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