Band god ark episode 15: kions baby hood

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Narrator: long ago, seven legendary gods of power were sealed away in magical instruments awaiting the day there chosen heirs found them. these gods are known as, the band gods.

(Theme music from dragon ball original plays)

Chorus:(singing)band gods, gotta find those band gods, don't stop till you've found Em all the seven magic gods, it's all you've gotta do to make the band of life, get those band gods, band gods, the greatest test of all is to find that seventh God, danger all around you, evil everywhere, evil will surround you, keep on searching but beware, Kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends will find a way, Kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends are gonna save the day, band gods, there always evil searching for the band gods, you can always listen for when the guitar calls, you won't believe the magic in the seven gods, you can put you're trust inside of the band gods.

Narrator: previously on pride land adventures, Kion and his friends were trying to find out where the bending gods could be hiding. when they investigate an explosion on the other side of town they meet a young egret with the power of the light God, Ono. Ono has agreed to help his friends find the other bending gods before the apocalypse and they await when they find another one, now we cut back to the original universe but not in the timeline you expect, today, we learn about kion's past.

(Dragon ball z ost theme plays and the title screen says kion's baby hood)

Scene cuts to Kion's presentation

Simba: wow, he's adorable.

Kiara: you said it simba. what's his name mom?

Sarabi: his name, is Kion.

Simba: nice. why is he asleep though?

Mufasa: he has to rest a bit before he wakes up simba, it's African tradition.

Just then nala walks up

Nala: hey dudes.

Simba: oh, hey nala, you wanna see the new kid?

Nala: sure.

Nala walks over to Kion

Nala: oh, he's so cute.

Kion yawns a bit

Kiara: what's that mean?

Simba: he's waking up kiara, get with the program.

Kiara: hey, I'm three, whatya expect?

Nala:we're five and we know this.

Kion wakes up and try's to get used to his surroundings

Simba: should I post him to Facebook?

Mufasa: go ahead.

Simba takes a picture of Kion and posts it to Facebook

Kion coos

Mufasa: let's let him choose one of these. it will define his personality

Sarabi: oh right, we didn't do that yet.

Mufasa places three objects down on the floor

Simba: shades, tests, and a crystal?

Kiara: what are these gonna do?

Mufasa: well kiara, when simba was born we let him choose his own personality, it was the same for when you were born.

Sarabi: the shades mean he's gonna act all cool and stuff, the test means he's gonna be interested in school, and the crystal means he's going to be interested in jewels and stuff like that.

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