T w e n t y - o n e

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Authors POV

Riley and Maya approached the big white buildings they have only dreamed of walking into, Marion St. Claire's wedding planning. I mean every girl in New York City has at least dreamed once of having Marion St. Claire as their wedding planner. Riley's bottom lip started quivering and she stood there sobbing. Maya rolled her eyes and grabbed her hand.

"No-Riley, you aren't even the one who's getting married! Come on!" Maya dragged her into the building as Riley tripped on the last step.

The two girls stood in front of the big white desk waiting to catch the assistances eye, "Can I help you?" She asked not looking up from the computer.

"Yes, we have an appointment with-"

She cut me off abruptly, "Marion? Ok take a seat while she finishes up a phone call."

Riley a bit skittish quickly sat in a chair. "Maya," She whispered at maya, "sit. This lady scares the skittles outta me."

"Wait till you meet Marion..." Maya mumbled.

The two double doors to Marion's office opened wide, "Girls?" She looked at the two girls and motioned her hand toward us.

"Oh." Riley quickly stood up and walked in, "Come on, Maya!"

Maya walked in and sat next to Riley, "Mrs. Hunter is it? I'm Marion St. Clair." She held her hand out.

"Hey." Maya smiled awkwardly shaking her hand, "So how does all this work? I pick out a few colors? Eat some cake? Pick out a napkin color?"

Riley looked over at Maya and her eyes widened.

Marion chuckled, "The way you plan your wedding is how the rest of your life will play out. It is more than picking some colors and taste testing cakes. It's the most important day of your life." She sat tall and opened a big binder which read plans. She asked Maya a few questions about dates and guests till the appointment was over and told them they would have to come back a week later. Riley and Maya walked out of the building and started walking back to Maya's place.

Riley smiled at Maya, "You're glowing, Maya! Your happiness is showing!!" She said poking Maya's arm.

Maya smiled, "I am happy." My stomach started to gurgle, "Wanna get some food?"

"Sure. Let's get something for the boys too." Riley smiled thoughtfully.

* * *
"We're home! We got food." Maya closed the door after her. She took off my shoes and tiptoed to Timothy's room to find Timothy asleep and Lucas on his bed with a book in his hand. She smiled and closed the door gently.

"How are they?" Riley asked taking the Thai food out of the bag.

"Asleep." Maya chuckled, "Who cares, more food for us."

"We gotta save some for them, Maya." Riley said grabbing some plates.

"You snooze you lose." Maya had feeling of nausea rushed over her, "Oh no." She ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

"Maya??" Riley said frantically knocking, "Hey are you ok?"

Maya wiped her mouth and washed her hands. She held on to the sink trying to regain her strength.

"Maya? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." She opened the door holding onto the doorframe, "Must have been something I ate earlier."

Timothy's door opened and out walked Lucas, "Hey." Maya smiled holding her arm.

"You ok, Maya?" Lucas walked up to her rubbing her back, "You look a bit pale."

"You need some water?" Riley asked

"No, I'm good." She smiled forcefully, "You know what I'm not that hungry anymore. I think I'm gonna go lay down for a bit-but you guys enjoy the Thai food." Maya said to them. She walked towards her room shutting the door while leaning her back against it. She walked towards her bathroom and looked in the mirror. She took a deep breath and kneeled down to opened the cabinet under the sink. She grabbed a rectangular box and set it on the counter. It read Pregnancy test. Maya ran her hands through her hair pacing the floor. She glanced at the Pregnancy test, "Here we go again."

Hey! I know it's been a long time but i wasn't sure if you guys even wanted a chapter! But I hope you liked this one!! I'm gonna try and update more now, I have one more state test this week and then ill have a little less on my plate...you guys probably don't even read this BUT I wanted to thank you guys for 40k it means the world to me🌹

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