E i g h t

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Maya's POV
"Ok kid, you're gonna walk in that school like you own the place!" I encouraged.

"No need for the pep talk mom." He reassured, he took a deep breath and furrowed his eyebrows, "I got this."

"Yeah you do!" I cheered, "Woah woah woah kid." I stopped him, I put my hand on my heart signaling for him to do the same. He smiled and put his hand on his heart, "Mom! I gotta go!" He said impatiently. "They grow up so fast," I sighed.

Timothy's POV

Today I told mom I can walk in by myself cause I'm 5 now, I don't need my mom to walk in with me...my heart started to pound faster cause I've never walked in my class alone before...this was a bad idea.

"Timothy!" Miss. Bird called, "Go take a seat we are going to have a very special guest today!"

"Ok." I smiled.

"Hi Timothy." Lacey whispered as I sat down. She's so beautiful...oh she just said hi to me! What do I do? Do I say hi back? I'll just smile, girls like it when you smile...right? Lacey gave me a weird look...great I just blew my chance with my future wife. I sighed and put my face on the table.

"Ok class, settle down. I have a special surprise for you today. I would like you to meet my fiancé, Lucas. He's going to help you guys today and read us a story after lunch." As Miss. Bird announced the guest for today I glanced up and saw a tall man...hey it's Mac N Cheese guy! Miss. Bird is marrying Mac N Cheese guy? Weird.

"So I would like everybody on their best behavior today, ok? Oh and I would like to remind everyone about the field trip next week to the zoo!"

"I love the zoo!" Lacey fawned.

"Me too." I smiled lifting my head.

"Wanna be my zoo buddy, Timothy?"

Oh my goodness is this really happening? Does Lacey want to be MY buddy??? I'm HYPERVENTILATING! But obviously I played it cool, "Sure." I responded.


I love her smile. It's the best. She lost her baby teeth at the beginning of preschool and her two front teeth came in and she looks like a grown up...I still have my baby teeth.

At recess I saw Mac N Cheese guy sitting on the bench, "Hi" I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back, "aren't you that kid from the grocery store with the Mac N Cheese?" He asked.

"Aren't you the Mac N Cheese guy who saved my life?" I asked.

"Well I wouldn't say I saved your life, but I saved you from a pretty bad fall."

"What's you're name anyway?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Lucas, you?" Lucas extended his arm out.

"Timothy, Timothy Hart." I shook his hand.

"So...what are you doing sitting here on the benches?" Lucas asked.

"I don't really have friends here." Timothy frowned.

"What about that girl who was flirting with you this morning?" Lucas raised his eyebrows.

Four Years (sequel to Promise Me) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें