T h i r t e e n

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Authors note
Someone requested to see a photo/s of what Timothy looked like and I don't know why I but I always imagined him to have brunette hair 😹 and yes that's the kid from fuller house, if you don't like it you can always imagine him a different way, that's the beauty of reading 😄 you use your imagination! ✨🌟

Lucas' POV
Woah woah woah...you kissed her...then left??? Why would you do that??" Zay question obviously stunned at my stupidity.

"I don't know I panicked!"

"Did her breath stink or something? I've met girls who need serious breath mints and I have to break up with them because of it."

"No! Look, I just felt I was taking advantage of her, I mean I just met her."

"But you weren't! You've known her for 15 years!" Zay exclaimed. He sighed rubbing his chin. "So, do you like her?"

"Yes, No-I don't know if I do! Maybe I feel this way because everyone is telling I love her and I feel obliged to love her. Or that I have a kid and she's the mother. I just need to get to know her better before I jump into things."

"Tell her that."


"Tell her that you want to take it slow and get to know her better."

"How do you know so much about love?"

"My mom and I share a Netflix account and it suggest a lot of chick flicks, I don't mind...I don't have to pay for it so I mean it's pretty good-" Zay shrugged.

"Thanks man!" I patted his shoulder walking to the front door, "Oh and when I get back you can tell me how your date with Amanda went!"

"Alright! I'll just stay here....maybe I'll finish my pride and prejudice. Love me some Keira Knightly."
* * *
Once again I found myself on the steps of Maya's apartment. Those butterflies from last night came back. I curled my hand into a fist and knocked three times. I hope she's home...just then the door opened.

"Lucas? What are you doing here?" Maya questioned leaning on the doorframe of her apartment.

"I didn't mean to run away."

Maya's smile faded, "I know."

"I got scared."

"I know." Maya smiled slightly.

"I didn't want you to think I was taking advantage of you or anything, cause I do care about you and Timothy."

"Lucas." Maya stepped out of the door frame of her apartment, "I care about you too, I just don't understand why you would think you were taking advantage of me? Didn't you feel a connection last night?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Yes I did! When I kissed you I felt-I don't know how to explain it-it just felt familiar. All I know is we knew each other. But I have no memory of that and it's difficult for me."

Maya stepped closer to me, "Ok, we'll take it slow." Maya smiled. She walked past me and onto the sidewalk. I was confused.

Maya turned around and gave me a smirk, "You said you want to get to know each other, didn't you? Come on huckleberry."
It was a quiet walk. But it was nice. I tried to sneak glimpses of her, the sunlight was hitting her hair perfectly making it look like gold. I think she caught me a few times cause she kept smiling to herself. We finally stopped in the middle of what seemed to be a park, it had a fountain and roses everywhere. It was beautiful.

"What are we doing here?" I asked looking around the garden.

"This is where I used to come and paint." Maya sat down on a bench under a tree, "Around this time is my favorite because the sun is in just the right angle to light up everything without blinding you." Maya looked around the park and took a deep breathe, I can tell she hasn't come here in a while.

"Why don't you come here anymore?"

"Life happened. I became more busy with Timothy and my job. I just could never find the time." Maya shrugged.

"Maya, I'm sorry I missed 4 years of Timothy's life. I missed when Timothy first laughed, when he said his first word, when he was learning how to walk or on his first day of school. I wish I was here."

"It's ok, it was tough but we can handle ourselves...we are Amazon warriors." Maya smiled.

"That's for sure, you're way tougher than me." I chuckled. It was quiet for a while, Maya was in her own world and almost never noticed me staring at her.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I wasn't staring at you..." I lied.

"Oh really." Maya smirked crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I was staring at that bird lady behind you."

"Ok sure Ranger Rick." Maya laughed pulling her legs up to her chest and resting her head on her knees. I love her laugh. We stayed there till the sun went down. Not talking, just being with each other.

"Ok Ranger Rick I better get back home." Maya said standing up from the bench.

"Ok." I stood up, "Let's go." we started walking back to her apartment.
"Thanks for today, even though we didn't talk much it was nice." She smiled leaning her head on the doorframe.

"Anytime." I smiled.

She stayed at the doorframe a few more seconds staring at me till she closed the door. Today was a good day.
At Zay's apartment
I walked in the door and sat next to Zay smiling. He paused Netflix and looked at me with wide eyes, "How was it?" Zay asked.

"It was magical."

"Well...are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to call Riley and ask her for details?" Zay asked at the edge of his seat.

"Well we went to her favorite drawing spot. It was this wonderful park, it had a fountain and roses everywhere..."

"Oh no man...you have smiley butterflies disease!" Zay exclaimed.

"What's that?"

"It's when you can't stop smiling and you feel like your heart is gonna jump out of your chest and start flyin' to the moon, its when you use words like wonderful and magical, you start describin' stuff like a girl! Oh no man...you've turned into me! Soon you're going to be thinkin' about her at random times and then you squeal like a girl." I looked at his confused, "Don't worry! I got out of it tho! You just gotta stop thinking about her."

"But I can't..." I smiled thinking about Maya, "I think I'm in love."

Mayas apartment
Maya's POV
I tucked myself into bed with my heart pumping and I couldn't stop smiling. Today was one of the greatest days of my life. It's like I'm falling in love with him all over again.

YOU GUYS!!! 3k!!! It was just at 2k a few days ago! Thank you so so so much!! 💗💞 make sure to give it a star and comment below!

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