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Maya's POV
"Ok you got your lunch? Backpack? Sunscreen? Water bottle?"

"Yes. Mom! Let's go!" Timothy whined.

"Ok ok! Ah I'm so excited! I love the zoo!" I said clapping my hands.

"You got my permission slip?"

"Yes I do!"

I decided to volunteer on the field trip to the zoo to keep an eye on Timothy, he tends to wonder off places and talk to strangers...a lot.

"Do you think we will see giraffes?" Timothy asked walking in his classroom.

"Hmm I don't know, I hope so!"

"Ok guys! Let's start attendance! Ok Anna? Abby? Britney? Bethany?"
Miss. Bird called out waiting for the kids to raise their hands, "And Zoe? Alright! Now I would like everybody to stand with their buddies they picked last week! Now that will be your buddy the whole day and your job as their buddy is to stay with them at all times!"

As Miss. Bird gave directions I noticed Timothy went and stood next to Lacey...aw! He must really like her...I gave him a raised eyebrow and smirked...his face turned red.

"Alrighty! Let's head to the bus! Single file line! Let's go!" Miss. Bird said grabbing everyone's attention and leading the line.

On the way to the zoo I had to sit with Miss. Bird, she seems really nice...I mean of course she's nice she's a preschool teacher...

"Oh no!" Miss. Bird said searching her bag.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I totally forgot my lunch! It's alright I'll just text my husband to drop it off at the zoo." She said grabbing her phone."

"Husband? You're married?"

"Well soon to be husband." Amanda chuckled showing me her ring.

I didn't want to be rude so I continued the conversation, "How did you guys meet?"

"Well a few years ago he was staying at the hospital, he was in the Afghanistan war, when he got flown to the hospital he didn't remember who he was, where he came from, his family...nothing. I was volunteering the summer he was there and after he was able take care of himself we went on a few dates and he soon moved in with me." Amanda smiled.

"My fiancé was in the war too...he didn't make it out." I said looked down at my hands.

"Maya, I'm so sorry." Amanda said with sympathetic eyes.

"It's ok." I forced a smile, I started fiddling with my necklace, "Timothy asks about his dad all the time...it breaks my heart that he's growing up without a dad."

"You have a wonderful kid, Maya. He is going to turn out into wonderful young man." Amanda said looking back at Timothy.

"Thank you, I'm so glad he is starting to make friends."

"You know he has a crush on that girl he's sitting next to, right?" Amanda smirked.

I looked back at Timothy and Lacey, Lacey was talking about something and Timothy couldn't take his eyes off her, "I had a feeling." I chucked.

Four Years (sequel to Promise Me) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora