F i f t e e n

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Maya's POV

As I closed the front door, I saw Riley in my Peripheral vision staring at me.


"Oh nothing." Riley grinned sitting on the couch, "Im just a little curious as to why you and Lucas were hold hands while walking down the street!! Are you together again?"

"What? No, after that kiss, me and Lucas have decided to just take it slow, you know? See what happens."

"WHAT KISS???" Riley's eyes got big and her smile became even wider.

"Wait I didn't tell you? Me and Lucas kissed the night he came over for dinner last week."

"How are you so calm? I'm freaking out and it wasn't even my kiss...Wait does Timothy know about the kiss?"

"No, and I don't intend on telling him. But he kinda, sorta found my memory box."

"Is that why he ran away?"

"Yeah, I told him I would explain everything but then I realized I don't know how to explain something like that to a kid."

"You should go talk to him, at least try."

"Yeah but I wanna tell Timothy with Lucas in the room, so that it's a family discussion."

"You're right. Does your mom know about this whole Lucas thing? Maybe she could help."

"She knows very little about the whole Lucas fiasco, but yeah I should call her." I got up from the couch and headed to my room.

"I'll just watch The Bachelorette." Riley said grabbing the remote and blanket.

"Seriously?" I scrunched my nose with disapproval.

"But-I'm on the season finale. Once you start watching this stuff you get really invested."

"Ok-well stay as long as you want, don't make a mess and fall, and after you have fallen the band-aids are in the top shelf and the ice packs are in the freezer."

I grabbed my phone from my side table and checked the time, it's only 1 pm in LA so she's probably at home. I dialed the contact named 'Mom❤️'

*Phone convo*
"Hello?" I heard from the other end.

"Hi mom!" I answered enthusiastically.

"Oh baby girl how are you? We miss you!" Katy said lovingly over the phone, "Hey kiddo!" I hear in the background, "Shawn says hi." My mom clarifies.

"Aw mom I miss you too! Me and Timothy are great, he pulled a little stunt this afternoon..." after I said that I saw Timothy's head pop his head from my door, "Are you talking about me?" Timothy furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey kid, come say hi to grandma Katy!" I smiled patting the bed gesturing for him to jump on the bed.

"Hi Grandma Katy!"

"Hi Timothy! We miss you here in California! I heard you were being a little stinker today, what'd you do?"

"That's classified."

"No it's not, he ran away today."

"Mom!" Timothy yelled embarrassed.

"Ahh I see, I ran away one time when I was 16 but came back cause I missed my cat." Katy said trying to make Timothy feel better.

"I technically didn't run away, I went on a walk." Timothy grinned.

"Keep telling yourself that, kid." I smirked.

"Grandma Katy have you met Mr.Lucas?" Timothy asked.

"Why yes I have, how is he anyway?"

"Oh Timothy how about you go to the living room for a while and watch some tv with Aunt Riley." I smiled.

"But-that show scares me. Girls are always crying and there faces look all squished...I mean can't all the girls get a rose so no one cries?"

"Honey, me and Grandma need to talk about grownup stuff, can you go keep Riley company and make sure she doesn't fall?"

*thud* "OW! I'm ok!" I hear from the living room.

"The bandaids are in the cupboard." I smiled. Timothy hugged me and then left the room.

"Lucas is fine, I still have to tell Timothy about the family connections we all have..."

"Oh honey, this is not gonna be an easy subject to tell a kid about. You have to make sure to explain it to him in a way he will understand."

"Yeah I know." I sighed running my hand through my hair, "I just want him to have the childhood I never got-I mean you are an amazing mom don't get me wrong, I just want him to have both parents in the picture."

"I understand, but you did have it rough, baby girl. I'm sorry I was always working."

"-No mom, you were just trying to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table and I will be forever grateful for that. We had it rough for a few years, yes I do admit that, but then Shawn came in our lives and it was like we had that perfect family I'd always dreamed of."

"Thank you, baby girl. Timothy has a wonderful mom and you don't need to have a husband to call it family, I learned that long ago but I doesn't hurt to have one." Katy smiled softly.

"Thank you mom. I love you so much." Even though me and my mom lived all the way across America, I've never felt closer to her.

"Anytime, we will come and visit soon! I miss the New York weather!" Katy laughed.

"Ok, we'll be here." I smiled.

"Bye, baby girl." She blew a kiss over the phone.

"Love you."
*phone call ended*

I set my phone down and laid on the bed, I laid there for a while thinking. I sat up and grabbed my phone again, I pressed Lucas' contact and texted him.

You busy?

I'm so so so sorry it took me like 2 weeks to update! School has me all crazy 😄 I update when I can and try to make each chapter really good for you guys! Btw 9k!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! Each and everyone of you are the reason this book has 9k and I will never stop saying thank you 💗💞

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