T w e n t y - s e v e n

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Authors POV

"YESTERDAY WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE." Timothy yelled jumping on the couch Maya was still sleeping on.

"Timothy it's the middle of the night, go back to bed!" Maya whined pulling the sheets over her head.

"No it's not it's 12:15 in the afternoon." Timothy said checking his iPad.

Maya glanced around the living room to see everybody has already started their day, "What the heck." She yawned walking to the kitchen, scratching her left butt cheek.

"Do we have any cereal?" Maya asked searching the cupboards.

"No, we ran out but I baked some muffins thing morning." Katy smiled. Maya's eyes lit up, "But we finished them...in the actual morning."

Maya's smile dropped, "You coulda saved me one!!"

"Early bird gets the worm." Katy shrugged.

"RUDDDDE." Maya flipped her dirty hair and grabbed an apple.

"Mom can I tell you what happened at the Dinosaur Convention???" Timothy squealed.

"Sure, I wanna know alllll about it!"

"Ok this is what happened, I walked in and I spotted Lacey and that kid, right? So I decide to play it cool and walk over there. This other guy has the nerve to ask my name so I tell him and say me and Lacey sorta have an unofficial thing going...and he gets all defensive and says um she's in 1st grade. And I say yeah I know we are in the same grade like DUH and then he says I'm her brother and I don't want my little sister dating at 7." Timothy smiles wide, "ISNT THIS GREAT!"

Maya spaced out and looks up, "What? Sorry I wasn't listening." Maya smiled, "I'm just kidding, THATS GREAT KID!! This means you have a chance with her...kinda!"

"I KNOW!!" He squealed.

"But you're gonna have to wait a little because I mean, you are in 1st grade..."

"Point taken but LOVE IS LOVE."

I nodded and gave him hug, "I gotta go shower, I smell homeless." Maya said

Later that day

Maya's sitting on the couch watching hair tutorials on how to: Wedding hair, "This looks so difficult, I'm keeping my hair down." She said closing her laptop.

"Don't worry, baby girl. I got your back." She winked.

"Thanks mama."

There was a knock at the door but Maya just looked at her mom hopping she wouldn't make her get up.

"I'll get it." Katy smiled walking over to the door, "Hey! Maya's gonna be so happy to see you."

"Hey kiddo!" Shawn appeared holding a small bag of luggage in his hand, "How are you?"

"Shawn!" Maya jumped off the couch and hugged him, "I've been really good! I've missed you."

Shawn's aged a little. He has some grey hairs and a few wrinkles but he looks well.

"Grandpa Shawn!!" Timothy said running into his arms.

Four Years (sequel to Promise Me) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя