T w e n t y - f o u r

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Maya's POV

"I don't know...it's a bit too much, Riles." I said looking in the mirror at the puffy sleeved lace dress that Riley picked out.

"What! But-but the sleeves! And the lace! And the baby pearls..." Riley said fawning over the dress.

"This just isn't me." I said waddling back to the dressing room.

"Ok...try on dress 37!" Riley hollered.

I glanced around the dressing room at all the dresses that Riley and my mom picked out, I went through the rack and grabbed the one dress that I picked out. There wasn't much to it, the dress was a tulle gown with thin straps that crossed in the back. I wiggled in the dress and zipped up the back.

"Oooooh pretty!" My mom smiled.

"Aw maya you look like a princess!" Riley said with her hands clasped together, "That's so fetch."

"Stop quoting Mean Girls or I'll put you in my burn book." I rolled my eyes.

"How much is the dress?" Katy asked.

"Too much." I said, "it's alright, I like it but I'll settle for a cheaper dress." I smiled.

"But maya your wedding is the biggest day of our life. It's your one day to shine!" Riley said staring dramatically at the light.

"But it's about me and Lucas-"

"Uh no- why isn't Lucas walking down the isle to meet you? Because the wedding isn't about him that's why."

"That's so true." Katy said with her mouth full of complimentary chocolates.

"MAYA! Just say yes to the dress!" Riley demanded, "Get it? Cause we are in a dress store in New York."

"Baby girl, if I could go back in time to my wedding day I would have worn a potato sack if I had to, to marry the man I love; because in the end it's about the love you have for Lucas." Katy touched my hand softly squeezing it. With tears in my eyes I nodded. I gave my mom a warm hug and smiled.

"Thank you mom. I love you." I smiled

"That was sweet Katy but in 10 years looking back at this wedding I don't think anyone would say That potato sack you wore in 2017 was stunning!" Riley stated bluntly holding a glass of strawberry champagne to her chest, "Get the dress."

"I need a drink." I breathed grabbing Riley's cup.

"You took my Bruno Mars drink." Riley huffed.



I stared at Riley for a second before speaking, "Riley you really need to chill."

"Sorry! I'll go sit over there...with the snacks."

"Mama what do I do?"

"Aw honey, I don't know. Rileys right, this is a special day and you don't wanna wear something you don't like but if you love it this much than get the dress!" Katy smiled holding my hands in hers.

"I mean it is a special day... Screw it I'm getting the dress." I sailed swinging the dress around as I walk back to my dressing room.

"YAYYYYYYYY!" Riley screamed with chocolate on her face.

I just smile at her and shut the door to my dressing room.

Authors POV
On the other side of that dressing room door stands Riley and Katy talking about flowers and napkins when all of a sudden Amanda and her friends walk past our room.

"Riley?" Amanda pops her head through the door.

"Amanda..." Riley said half smiling.

"What are you doing here?!" She hugs Riley and flips her shiny brunette hair.

"I'm here with Maya. She's marrying your Lucas! Oh well not your Lucas anymore cause well he dumped you but how are YOU?!" Riley smiled sarcastically pointing at Amanda's chest. Amanda had no words and just chuckled while Riley had her arms crossed and is staring Amanda down. Katy just stood back not wanting to get involved.

"Uhhh what's going on here?"

"Maya, You're friend seems to have had way too many free drinks at the snack bar." Amanda fake laughed crossing her arms.

"OH I SEE HOW IT IS-YOU WANT A BATTLE." Riley started stretching her hamstrings and doing lunges.

"Riley! Let's go."

"No Maya, this is war!" Riley stares at Amanda with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Sorry I don't do high school drama." Amanda snickered. "But if you want to fight you can go pick a fight with Maya's hair stylist because your looks like you just out of juvenile prison."

"That's not true, Maya hadn't been in Juvy since 9th grade!"

"Riley! You're not helping!"



Authors note:
I feel so bad for not updating! I've been real busy with my scholarship! Tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments below ♥️
Amelie 🌈💗✨💫😽

Four Years (sequel to Promise Me) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن