chapter 16

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I heard the alarm clock start beeping again and groaned wishing I could just rip it out of the wall and throw it out the window. Instead I rolled over and blindly fumbled for the snooze button for the 3rd time this morning. Silence filled the empty room and I smiled pleased and rolled over pressing my face into the pillow once again and drifting off to sleep again.

It felt like only seconds had passed before I was startled awake again, not by the alarm clock this time, but by the door slamming open. I jumped up in bed and quickly turned to find the source of the sound and once I found it I immediately regretted snoozing the alarm clock again.

Andrew stood in the doorway with a stone face and irritated eyes. I noticed he was dressed and ready for the day as usual, and by the look on his face I could tell he was upset that I wasn't. Things had changed since I woke up from the coma.

Andrew wasn't the usual happy, cheerful, sweet man I knew. He was serious, over protective, and very controlling. I hadn't been able to leave his side unless I was showering or sleeping. Every day would start the same with an alarm waking me up 30 minutes after Andrew, giving him enough time to shower, get dressed, and get downstairs to make breakfast. I was expected to wake with the alarm clock and like a robot follow the orders he had set which were to shower, get dressed, come down for breakfast, and then follow him to his office where I would sit for the rest of the day trying to entertain myself as he got work done. We would only leave for lunch, dinner, or bathroom breaks. Otherwise I sat in a chair infront of his desk reading, sleeping, or picking my fingernails.

I had asked him what happened to the hallway when I was out, but he wouldn't talk about it. He said its in the past, not to worry about it, and not to bring it up again. I of course didn't listen and brought it up again numerous times, but finally gave up when he snapped at me one day. If looks could kill...

He also became very controlling with meals. He wanted me to get my full strength back and put on some weight, so he would prepare servings bigger than his and expect me to finish it. I've never been a big eater. I've got a rabbit stomach, so his expectations were impossible, and we would have the same argument after every meal until he finally gave up and would pack up the leftovers for me to snack on later. I'd end up throwing up the food when I went to the bathroom anyways, so I don't know why he tries. Even waking up most mornings just knowing what was to come would make me nauseous and have me running for the toilet.

I hadn't seen Crystal since I woke up either. Connor apparently has her on a tight leash too. Connor would accompany us in Andrews office every so often, but the extent of our conversation was a quick hello, and a how are you today. I needed a change. I felt like a prisoner. I needed to see crystal, to have some time alone. And I needed Andrew to back off, but I didn't see that happening any time soon. Especially given the expression on his face right now.

He huffed, "Victoria. This is the 3rd time this week you have been late." I sighed and rolled my eyes, which earned a low growl from Andrew, "Can you not be childish for one minute please?"

I was offended by his words, "I'm not being childish, you're being too controlling." I mumbled.

"enough." He ordered. "You know the schedule. Why are you being so difficult?"

I sighed again, "I'm sorry, okay." I said to make hm feel better, I didn't feel like arguing this morning, it wasn't worth it. "I won't do it again. I'm just really tired. I'll just sleep in your office I guess."

He shook his head, "You're not coming to my office today. Another pack is coming today to find a missing wolf, so I'm accompanying them through the pack to make sure everyone is following orders, and not hiding anything." He explained running a hand through his tousled hair, I couldn't help but notice the bags under his eyes and instantly my heart sank. As much as I hate how controlling hes being, I know hes just trying to protect me and I can't exactly be angry with him. This must all be really taking a toll on him. "You'll spend the day with Crystal." Instantly my face lit up and I couldn't hide the grin etching its way onto my face.

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