Chapter Thirty Six: Backsliding is a bitch.

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My hands fall to his chest "what were the other reasons?"

He stares at me for so long and I remember why I loved him. He made me feel wanted, he made me feel like I was something extraordinary. Because when I was with him I was wrapped up in our world. I wasn't thinking about anything, I was just thinking about him.

"Do you remember that one time we went to the park? It was like four in the morning?"

I smile as I nod "you climbed to the top of the jungle gym."

His blue eyes brighten at the thought and I notice that I'm now pressed up against the wall. My hand grips his shirt.

"That night, when you looked up at me and you smiled, I knew that I was done for."

I close my eyes and lean my head against his chest. Why is he saying this?


He sighs and his breath falls against my ear in hot waves.

Backsliding is a bitch.

I open my eyes and look up at him. I know its gonna happen before his lips are on mine. Before his fingers dig into my hips, as his body falls against mine.

Maybe I'm doing this because I miss him, maybe I'm doing this because of his words.

But I know that in the end the reason I'm doing this is because of him.

Because even as my lips are on another boys, I'm thinking about falling for Greyson.

I'm thinking about the intensity of the feelings I have for him. I'm thinking about his eyes as he smiles, I'm thinking about his dimples, I'm thinking about his laugh.

And that might make me a terrible person, but I know that Cole isn't doing this for us, but rather for Wendy. Because he's just as heartbroken as I am.

But then everything falls away as I here the words coming from down the hall.

"I guess he wanted to finish out high school before he signed the papers to become the owner."

"Who would want to come back to high school, when you can be a millionaire?"

"I don't know but," a girl with a loud voice says with a sigh and I pull away from Cole to catch my breath. "He's back."


"You knew, didn't you?"

She looks up from her paint brush as she rubs it against the washcloth in her hand.

"Yeah," she shrugs already knowing what I'm referring to. Greyson's back, and she knew. Because she always knows before I do and she never tells me.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She shakes her head as if annoyed "I didn't think you would want to know with Coles tongue down your throat."


She lifts up her and before I can figure out what I'm trying to say.

"Don't even try, Skye."

"Why are you so pissy? It's not like I kept something from you."

She rolls her eyes at me "I didn't think you would care. I mean you're back with Cole right?"

I aggressively grab a fistful of my hair. Why does she even care? So what if I was? I'm not. But so what!

"You should have told me he was back."

"Not everything is about you Skye."

What is her issue!

Caught up with the Bad Boy {COMPLETE!}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz