Dad had Sami still sleeping so Liam took his back through security.
It was easy and we got on the plane. I sat next to Rocco and Sami was on his lap.

We put earplugs in her ears so it doesn't pop and wake her up.
It was night when we got to the UK and Sami had woken up. I held her as we went through security.
"Mam will you step to one side please?" I did and they handcuffed me.

"Why? I haven't even done anything yet!" I say to them.
"Your wanted on account of drugs." What?!
"No, we cleared that before we left. I have the papers here." Dad says going into his carry on and pulling out a folder.

Then giving him the papers to look at.
"Ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Let me copy this quickly so it goes on record." They uncuff me and let me go.

"Drugs?" Rocco asks covering Sami's ears.
"Liam and I went to a party and there was drugs involved and long story short i was done for something I didn't do." He nods and the guy comes back giving dad the sheet back.

"I'm sorry again for the miss understanding." We nod and going on our way to our driver.
He was holding a little sign with out last name in it.
"The younger generation of the Anderson's. very nice to see you again and who is the handsome guy with the young girl he has brought." Samuel asked eyeing him up.

"He's mine Samuel. This is Rocco and is little sister Sami." Sami walks up to him and puts her hand out.
"Hi, I'm Sami and I'm a baby genius." She introduced herself.

"Hello baby genius I'm Samuel the driver/ butler." He said back.
"Come on. I would like to get to sleep soon." Samuel says so if we go to the limo.

Why'd he bring the limo?
"I forgot to ask how loaded are you?" Rocco asks getting in.
"Very." I say because it was true. It's old money with a mix of new money so we are kinda spoilt.

It was a long drive but we got there and my grandparents were waiting at the door.

"Your house is fucking massive

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"Your house is fucking massive." Rocco says.
"Yeah fucking massive."Sami repeats.
"Hey! No swearing." Mum says to her.

"Same rule in another country?" Mum nods and Sami pouts.
We get out and my grandma hugs and kisses me.
"Azalea my beautiful granddaughter. I've missed you. William my strong grandson. Look at how much you've grown." She says our full names.

"Thank you grandma. But it's just Lia and Liam." Liam says earning him a slap which he avoided which was the wrong thing to do.

She pointed at the floor and Liam had to get on his knees so she could reach and she slapped him so hard.

"I named you azalea and William and that's what I will call you."
"Mother i'd prefer if you didn't hit our child." Dad said.
"Do you want one?" He shook his head.
"Then keep your mouth shut. Now Azalea, who is the nice man you brought with you and I certainly hope that's not his child." Grandma says letting us walk in.

"This is Rocco and is little sister Sami." I tell her.
"Rochus, is is real name I assume. It's very nice to meet you." Rocco looked confused.

"How the fuck?" He whispered and she pointed into the kitchen.
"Why is she pointing?" Rocco asks.
"You have to wash your Mouth out with soap." I tell him as Sami walks up to her.

"Hi I'm Sami and I'm a baby genius!" She says with her hand out.
"Hi Sami I'm Nana and I'm the oldest one." Grandma shakes her hand back.

"Young man I told you to go do something I expect you do it." She looked at Rocco sternly so I take him to the kitchen.
"Your not actually making me do this?" He asks.

"Sorry baby. But she will know. She's very strict on rules." I say giving him a clean bar of soap.
He rolled his eyes and started washing it out.

"This is disgusting." Rocco mumbles as his mouth foams up.
He spits it out and washes it out several times.
"Want to taste my soapy mouth?" He asks and I wrap my arms around him and kiss him with tongues and everything.

"Lord forgive this children. Azalea! Rochus!" Grandma shouts and we stop.
"Tell me what it says in the bible." She asks.

"The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (NIV, Galatians 5:19-21)" I recite.

"Good girl. What does making out lead to?"
"Children." I say bored.
"Then don't do it!" We nod and she lets us go upstairs.

"Kids you know where your bedrooms are. Sami is going to stay in our room just because of Grandma." Rocco nods and we go to our rooms. There's a air bed in here.

"I can't be sleeping on this." He says.
"Just lie on it until she comes in with hot chocolate the you can join me." I say to him getting Changed.

"Good because right now I want to bang you so hard but Azalea, nana thinks your a virgin. Gods little saint." He mocks.

"Well Rochus if you want to survive you will listen to grandma." I tell him.
Then Rocco smiles deviously.

"There's a way for you to still remain a virgin and for us to still do it." I turn around and cross my arms as he whispers a song in my ear.

I love this song 😂😂😂

"I could fuck you in the ass coz you love Jesus." You don't even understand how hard I slapped him.

"No! Rocco what the heck?!" I shout.
"It's a loophole in the bible."
"How do you know this?" I ask.

"I've dealt with biblical girls before." He says.
"Just get into bed." I tell him and he starts walking to mine.

"Your one!" He sighed and sat In the air bag.
We played on our phones until her and Samuel walk in.
"Here are your hot cocos" nana says giving them to us.

"And one for the hot guy on the air bed." Samuel says winking at Rocco.
"Rochus, does Sami like full fat dairy mini or soya?" Nana asks.

"Full fat." She nods and kisses us goodnight.
"Lock your doors." Samuel says and as soon as I do I'm on Rocco quicker than a cheater.

"On your bed. Ps your butler really killed my boner." So we moved to my bed.
"Well let's Unkill it then kill it the right way." I tell him.


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