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-the next day; 10am-

I took a shower recapping what had happened yesterday. Who knew Jimin was that good of a dancer. And the choreography turned out great too. The only problem I had now was that I'd have to convince him to be my dance partner for the competition I signed up for. I hope he'll agree once he knows for what it is.

I was now chilling on the couch of our living room watching some random variety show when I suddenly got a phone call. From Jimin.

"Jimin-ssi?", I asked.
"Yah! Didn't I tell you yesterday that you should just call me Jimin!", he yelled.
"No, actually not..", I said thinking about yesterday.
"Well, now I said it, so do it from now on. It got on my nerves for a while now!", he yelled again.
"Mwoyaigeo? Why are you yelling the whole time!! It's sunday, dumbass.", I said.
"Get your ass over here I need your help! Please!!", Jimin yelled again but this time louder.
"Yah, Park Jimin. How am I supposed to- where are you?!", I asked.
"At my place. Now pleace move your ass here!!", Jimin said frustrated already.
"Send me your address then. I'll be on my way!", I yelled.
"Thank you!! But do it fast!! And buy those tissue things!!", Jimin yelled and before I could question him he hung up.

Through kakao, he had send me his address and I took the bus to to get there. Once I stood in front of a huge building. I pressed the number 35 waiting for Jimin to open the door.
Without the word the door unlocked and I took the elevator to the 9th floor.

I pressed the doorbell and not even a second later did Jimin drag me inside. I quickly took my shoes off as he continued dragging me inside the living room.

"Yah, Jimin, is that how you treat me now?", I asked him as he left to enter some room while I stood there dumbfounded in the middle of the living room.
Looking around the apartment it kind of looked like a mess and before I knew it Jimin came back but this time not alone. Just as I wanted to address the cuteness of the baby boy Jimin interrupted me by doing something I would have never imagined.

"Give him your breast! Go!", Jimin said as he held the baby boy infront of my chest.
"Yah, I can't produce milk, dumbass!", I yelled but still took the baby from him. Jimin then took a seat on the couch and rubbed is face with his hands.
"Why do you have a baby with you?", I asked Jimin while I tried to calm the baby down by dancing back and forth.
"Don't worry it's not mine. But my roommate's.", Jimin sighed.
"He has a son?", I asked him and he nodded.
"Yes, fun fact. He thought he could leave his son alone with me from saturday night till sunday night. And I can obviously not take care of Taejoon by myself so I called you. He cried for an hour straight. Like, how can a baby have that much energy to cry like that!", Jimin started tearing up.

It must have really hit him hard. Whereas Taejoon was now relaxed and looked at Jimin as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"But he's a cute baby.", I said and took a seat next to Jimin holding Taejoon in my arms.
"Is this the first time you're taking care of him?", I asked and Jimin nodded.
"Who is the father anyway and where is he to leave his son here?", I asked.
"The father aka my roommate is Kim Taehyung. He offered me to live with him 2 years ago. Fun fact, he's my age. He's in Incheon right now to meet the mother of Taejoon. They divorced before Taejoon's birth and Taejoon's mother left him by Taehyung without saying anything. Now my roommate tries to get her involved in Taejoon's live since he does need a mother role after all .", Jimin said and I nodded.
"I see. And that Taehyung guy just told you to take care of his son like that?!", I asked him.
"Well, usually Taehyung's parents would take care of him but since they're out for vacation, he had no one else to take care of his baby, and since I don't know what to do anymore I called you for help.", Jimin said.

I processed everything first before I suggested to go shopping with him and Joonie, since Jimin ran out of all the baby food, milk and diapers.

On our way to the mall I decided to ask him.
"Did you actually want to say diapers instead of tissue things?", I asked him.
"Don't remind me. I know what I said was wrong, okay. No need to repeat that.", Jimin sighed as he was carrying Joonie with a baby sling.

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