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Today's the day. The day where I'd celebrate my graduation. I'm technically done anyway but I can't attend the ceremony at any cost.
Now that I think of it, I actually did it. I was so focused on my kidnapper that I thought wouldn't be able to finish school. As far as I can think of I did all my exams well. I wonder what my mom's thinking right now. I did it mom. At this moment I'd be at her grave and talked about my graduation, about Jimin and everything else but I can't. At this moment I'm making breakfast for myself while Jungkook is still asleep as always.

Even if I've been kidnapped. It doesn't feel like it. I'm able to move around the house, I get food, I watch movies, play games and what not but I still feel like a prisoner. I can't leave the house unless it's with him. He hid all the metall cutlery since he was afraid I'd hurt myself at anytime and replaced them with wooden cutlery or plastic instead. If I wanted anything specific, Yumi would cook anything for me. But since she's still out on vacation and would be back tomorrow I believe, I've been living on instant foods. I only have to boil water and wait for a couple minutes. That's all I'm allowed to make if I'm hungry while he's asleep. He said that he can't afford me getting another scratch.

"It's more difficult than I expected it to be. She's behaving and all but I can see that she's not satisfied. I have everything but at the same time nothing for her.", I said talking on my phone.

I was facetiming Suga hyung as always. While Yoonji would be downstairs doing whatever and believing I'm still asleep, I was actually facetiming my hyungs.

"What, do you care about her feelings now? Woah, I know you were struggling with her attitude but now this? Dude, since when do you care so much? You'd usually want to cut her up already. You wouldn't allow her talking back, talking shit or anything to you. You'd still punish her in a way PYD wouldn't notice. You've changed man. She's changed you.", Suga said as he was laying in bed with his dog.
"I- I know that. I can't explain why I'm like this, okay. But with her I don't have the urge to kill or harm her or anything anymore. As I was still in Korea with her on my side I did act the way I usually would. I threatened her, yelled at her but now that she tried to commit suicide, now that she's stuck with me in Japan for who know's how long. I changed my mindset.", I said cuddling with one of my pillows.
"I see. Well, keep it up. I guess. I mean you're not allowed to harm her anyway and if you guys are chill. Good for you. Less stress, I guess. Just keep in mind. You now know who she is. Don't fall for her or any of that shit. Unless you want to get shot by PYD himself.", Suga reminded me.
"Yah! As if. I like Motoko, alright.", I said.
"Oh! Yeah, did you meet her already?", Suga asked kind of excited.
"Yeah, I went to her workplace with Yoonji. She's still as pretty and sexy as I the last time I've seen her.", I sighed remembering that day.
"Ew. Enough, I get it. You want to get in her pants. Just make sure you use protection when that day comes.", Suga said and I rolled my eyes.
"Alright hyung. It's 11am, I should go downstairs now. I'll talk to you another time.", I said and he nodded.
"Have a nice day I guess.", Suga said and ended the video chat.

I washed myself and got dressed before I slid down the slide. Oh how I missed that.

"PRETTY!", I yelled.
"Uh?!", I got an answer back.
"Where are you?", I asked as I grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter.
"In your studio!", she yelled.
I walked to my glass room and opened the door seeing carefully playing on my keyboard.
"Did you eat something?", I asked standing under the doorframe. She nodded.
"Let's go then. We have to do something today.", I smiled and she agreed.

It was better than staying inside. We were walking around the street in silence. I followed him inside a mall. He grabbed my wrist and walked faster towards a shop. A lingerie shop.
"J-Jungkook?", I asked hesitating to walk any further.
"What? Let's go. I'm buying you clothes. You only have that one bra of yours, those couple underwear I extra bought you and your sleeping garments are my baggy pants and tshirt. Other than the clothes you were wearing as we got here and the hoodie i gave you, you have nothing else. So don't be shy. Look around if you like something, try it on. I'll pay for it.", Jungkook said and walked further still holding my wrist.
I gave in. He was right but I didn't feel like he's supposed to do that. He was supposedly responsible of my well-being when it comes to his boss but to do all of this isn't his duty I believe. He told me to look around as he was also looking for some things for me to try on. That made me uncomfortable but I tried to ignore that for once and was able to pick up some nice and comfortable pieces. As I then find Jungkook and he found me, he immediately smiled, took my hand brought me to a cabin and handed me the things he had picked out for me to try on.

Inside the cabin I wasn't sure if I should try them on and ask for Jungkooks approval. I mean I may live with him now but I still don't know him that well. It already made me insecure thinking about how he would see so much skin. Till today I've always been careful around the house. If I took a shower, I always made sure I was well covered. I locked the door whenever I changed inside the bathroom. Always did that for him to not randomly walk in on me. But now he was asking if I've tried something on already.

"Pretty? You done? I wanna see it too!", Jungkook said.
"I don't want to walk out and just show you.. I don't feel comfortable, okay?", I said honestly.
"Not once? Or one of the things I picked out? Come on, Yoonji", he asked and I looked at the pile he picked for me.
"Yah, I'm definitely not going to show you those, what were you thinking, you pervert!", I scolded him.
"Come on! I'm paying that shit after all, I wanna see that on you too! Just to make sure it suits you.", Jungkook answered.
"Byuntae.", I said out of my breath.
"Yaah! I heard that!", Jungkook said and I immediately noticed a smile on my face.
"Good!", I said and continued trying the pieces on and ignoring his whining.

"Excuse me, sir? Can I help you?", an employee asked.
"Uhm? Sorry?", I asked for clarification.
"I heard your whines and concerns.. Uhm, I was wondering if I could help you in any way?", she asked politely.
"Oh, no need for that but thanks.", I replied.
"Uhm, this shop is for women only and their loved ones. Sir, I'm afraid you are not welcome here if you don't have a lover with you. It's only for our female customers safety. Sir, I'm sorry but I have to kick you out if-", she said and I was shocked and overwhelmed as some female customers and their partners were already looking at me as if I were a pervert wanting to creep on women when Yoonji got out of the cabin with a pile of clothes saving me from that situation.

"J-jagi. I like these one's I think we're done here. Let's go pay, babe.", Yoonji said and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and kissing my cheek. I was in slight shock because of her actions and only noticed the employee apologizing for her quick accusations and wanting to kick me out just earlier.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You probably only misunderstood. It's just that he's still horny. He's so needy. That's why I called him pervert only to stop already.", Yoonji explained laughing lightly. They talked a little more before Yoonji dragged me to the cashier. I didn't really listen to their conversation anymore as I was too focused on what she just did. It made me startle and that usually doesn't happen to me. I mean it's not the first time a female kissed or complemented me. After all I've visited so many night clubs already that I was nearly numb to them trying to get what they wanted from me. But with her.. this feeling frightens me.
Now her presence itself makes me nervous. What the fuck is happening to me.

I payed for her undergarments with my credit card. At the end of the day I payed our lunch and for all the clothes she wanted and those I wanted her to have. Then we went to get takeout at some restaurant and headed back home.

Once we've entered my house we placed the bags inside my bedroom and walked down the stairs to have dinner at the dinner table.
"J-jagi, babe huh?", I mentioned and started smirking as we ate our food.
"Yah, don't make fun of me. I was only saving your ass in that situation, d-", Yoonji said but stopped herself.
"Keep going. You can speak freely about anything here.", I said.
"dumbass..", she finished and it made me chuckle.
"Cute. Holding my hand, giving me a kiss and then suddenly explaining that I was horny?! Seriously?", I started.
"Come on! That was the first thing I came up with and it did make sense.", she answered eating her food.
"Yeah, but still!", I complained.
"What? Were you embarrassed or what?", she asked raising a brow.
"No.. just don't kiss me ever again.", I said.
"What?", she looked up surprised.
"You heard me, I don't want to repeat that.. J-jagi.", I said and impersonated her once again.

For some reason I felt offended after he told me not to kiss him ever again. And then playing it off like that.. Ugh, I'm so confused this this guy.

WHEN I NEEDED YOU THE MOST | PJMWhere stories live. Discover now