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"Yumi, what do I do?! Is she dead?", I freaked out.
"Stay calm, sir. The ambulance are on the way. She lost quite a lot of blood but she'll be okay, sir.", Yumi said assuring.

I tried to hold the towel over her wrists as good as possible.

Aish, what were you thinking. Now that you know that I can't harm you, you do it yourself? Huh? Aaah, this is making me crazy.

2 hours later.
"Yumi, you have holidays for a week. You can go visit your family or friends.", I informed Yumi as I was sitting on a couch next to Yoonji's hospital bed.
"But sir, don't you need any help? Ms just got hurt, there would be a lot of work to do at home.", Yumi said.
"Don't you worry. You took care of my house long enough while I was back i  south korea, i'll call you if you're needed. Thank you.", I said.
"Thank you very much sir.", Yumi said.
"Hm. Take care.", I said and hung up.

"Mmh..", I heard a noise and looked up at the bed infront of me where she was sleeping in.
"Did you sleep well.", I asked her putting my phone away.
"Where am I?", she asked.
"The hospital, silly. After what you did.. what did you expect.", I said and suddenly she started crying.

"H-hey, look.. uhm. Fuck, did I say something wrong?", I asked.
"I-It's nothing.. ", she said looking up.
"Tell me, what's wrong.", I asked her worrying all of a sudden.
"Why? Why did you SAVE ME.", she yelled.
"I couldn't let you get away like that.", I said.
"Why not? It's my decision. I can do whatever I want.", she said calming down again.
"And I can save your ass whenever I want. Happy?", I said.
"...", she said.

Later on, a nurse checked up on Yoonji and eventually a doctor let her go home with me right after. But with the doctor leaving me a message or warning behind.

"In case of this happening again, we are considering to keep her in here for longer to see if she's mentally stable.", is what he had told me before I left with Yoonji.

Once inside the car, I asked if she was hungry and she slowly nodded.
"What are you craving for?", I asked her.
"Uhm.. ramen?", she said unsure.
"Perfect, I know a great place we could go to.", I said.

Why am I suddenly being so nice? Is it because I care about her? Nah. It's probably just because she harmed herself. I only feel guilty, that's all.

Taking her to one of my favorite ramen places, we had ordered already and were now waiting for our bowls to come.

After my attempt to leave this place forever, he brought me to the place we're at right now to have a meal after my short visit at the hospital.

As we were waiting for the food to come a young woman our age approached us.. or him to be exact.

"Jake? Is that you? Oh my gosh! It is you.", she said giving him a light hug.

Jake? Who the heck is that? Didn't she mean Jungkook?

"Oh h-hey Motoko, it's nice to see you again.", Jungkook said stuttering quite a bit. Does he like her? What was their past? It's making me curious as to why he's acting like that.

"Well, it's been quite a while now. How are you doing? Where have you been? I missed you.", she said smiling and taking the seat next to him that was free. Okay, she seems nice but she didn't even realize that he was here with me. Wait, is this place his favorite because she works here or because of the ramen? Hmm.. I didnt know you liked someone, Park Jungkook.

"I missed you too.. Well, I'm doing alright. I've travelled for the past months. Was here and there, y-you know?", he said chuckling and rubbing his nape.
"Must be great and really exciting. Oh! H-hi, I'm Motoko. I'm so sorry, I didn't introduce myself. Girlfriend?", she asked looking at the both of us.
"H-Huh?! No. No.. she's just one of my best friends.", Jungkook immediately answered.
"N-No need to apologize. I'm Yoonji, his best friend.", I smiled politely but inside I was observing her very move. Does she like him as much as Jungkook seems to like her?
"I see, uhm.. did you guys order already?", she asked.
"Y-Yes, we did. Did you eat yet?", Jungkook asked her.
"I had a big breakfast today, so don't worry about it. I do want to eat but I can't..", she smiled patting his thigh I believe. Jungkook's cheeks got red.
"Why don't you eat with us then?", he offered.
"I don't think I can. I'm still working till 4pm. But thanks for the offer, Jake.", she laughed lighthearted.
"I-I see. Well then, it was nice talking to you again.", he smiled.
"I can only return that one. We should meet up to catch up on things.", she said excited.
"Y-Yeah definitely. Uhm..", Jungkook said trying to think when to meet up with her again.
"I'll call you or text you when I have time.", she said lovingly.
"Yeah, s-sure. See you then.", Jungkook said.
"Have a nice one. I'll definitely inform you. Bye! Bye Yoonji!", she smiled at the both of us.
"B-Bye..", he answered only for me to hear since he was that quiet.

"So... Jake, huh?", I started smirking as if I had something that I could use against him. Forgetting his threats on me, my suicide attempt, just everything. Acting as if we really were just best friends.
"Long story, Yoonji.", he said rolling his eyes zon me.
"Well, we have time.", I said.
"Fine. Well, it all started-", Jungkook started telling me.

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