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"Don't move, let it happen. Take a deep breath in, sweety."

I tried to scream, I really did. But I can not breath that in.

I lost the battle staying awake and eventually passed away. I'm sorry Jimin.

12 hours later
"What do you mean you can't find her?", I asked Vernon.
"I was at your school and didn't find her there. I went over to her place and found out that her eonni's been missing her since last night. By the way she should be here soon.", Vernon said trying to catch his breath as he got here by bicycle.
"Aish!", I sighed.

If something had happen to her.. no. I can't think like that now.

"Jimin, we heard about it.", Hoseok and Seokjin entered the office.
"We informed the other headquarters. A team are looking for her and the other are keeping an eye on it.", Seokjin said rushing to his desk.

"I'm here! Guys, did you find something out?", Somin asked with hope.
"Not yet.", Hoseok said.

"Somin noona!", Jimin said.
"Jimin-ah, you here?", Somin asked and I only nodded not going into detail as to why I'm here exactly.
"Were you able to contact her?", Somin asked me.
"I'm sorry but I was hoping you could tell me something.", I said.
"I tried calling her but she didn't answer my calls. I hoped she was with you but as I tried contacting her again she just declined my call. And she never does that. I got worried but tried not to overreact.", Somin explained.
"I see.", Jimin said.

"Guys, try to calm down, all we can do now is wait for the teams report or a signal from Yoonji herself."
"Signal! That's it. We can track her down!", I remembered.
"What do you mean? We already tried calling her, tracking her.. but her phone's gps is off and our calls are immediately declined for some odd reason.", Hoseok said.
"No, we can track my necklace.", I said.
"What necklace? She doesn't wear one.", Somin exclaimed.
"I gave her a necklace yesterday. It has a.. tracker.", I said uncomfortably.
"You chipped her ass?", Vernon asked and everyone looked at him.
"I mean.. uhm.. you gave her a necklace with a tracker inside?", Vernon corrected his language feeling embarrassed.

"I was hoping to not use it to be honest. I just wanted her to wear it so I could not worry as much anymore.", I admitted.
"It was a good idea to do that though. Come here and tell me all the information. I can try and track her location", Seokjin said.

My head aches. I feel dizzy. I can't open my eyes. They were covered with a cloth. All I can notice is that I'm laying on what I believe is a matress and the smell of metall. I tried to move but my arms were tied behind my back, like around my ankles. My mouth was taped. I tried to remove it by sticking my tongue out but I then realized that I didn't have the strength to even do that.

"Hey, she's moving..", I heard a young female voice say.
"I'll get him. Keep an eye on her. If she tries something inject her again.", another female said and left the room.

"Must suck to be in this situation..", the younger said.
"At least you won't end up like the last one..", she said.

What happened to the other vitim?

"I'm Aya.. but you wouldn't want to know that.. I know. But hey, you'll live. I can't guarantee that you'll be fine but they won't harm you like all the others before you.

There are more? Or were there?

"I shouldn't talk to you but it's really exciting for me to see and do this for the first time finally. I was only allowed to watch or listen to the previous stories.."

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