Chapter Seventeen | Werewolves and Ninjas

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        Hunters of the Supernatural flooded from the school and chased the three of us into the maze of dulled, yellow school buses behind Beacon Hills High. The little blonde girl shot in front of us, her eyes glowing with a golden fear as Brett and I rushed towards her. I could feel the vibrations of the hunters closing in on us as we pounded down the old pavement that was fastly filling with large rain drops. Brett's sister slammed into a gate beyond the buses as she whipped around. Both of the sibling's eyes met, with matching gold irises.

My heart fell in beat with my steps as we raced through the buses. The hunters appeared behind us, their voices rising above the continuous rain. We kept running towards his sister, who in the meantime fell and hit the wet pavement.

"Get up, Lori," Brett yanked her up in a second. "Come on, run!"

We were swerving through buses as Brett pushed his sister ahead. A crackling sound whispered through the rain seconds before an arrow pierced into Brett's back.

"Run!"Brett yelled as another arrow swiveled through the air as Lori and I raced towards the lacrosse field, which was on the other side of the parking lot.

The arrows came from all angles as time began to slow with each projectile flying towards us. I grabbed Lori's hand and pulled her towards the right as a volley of arrows slid where she was seconds ago. I couldn't see Brett behind us as my head constantly swiveled around while Lori dragged me forward.

With an unexpected burst of energy, Lori tore towards the bleachers, breaking our hands apart.

I raced after her while hearing Brett's voice coming up beside me, "Wait! Wait, Lori, stop!"

He was too late as we both rushed onto the lacrosse field where Lori stood, frozen amidst the rain. The overhead lights came on one by one as the three of us perched in the middle of the open field. Lori held tightly to her brother when a flickering of red flew from the bleachers. Red lasers hit our bodies as hunters sat in the shadows, their weapons drawn and ready to take a fresh kill.

"Brett," Lori's voice was squeaky and scared. "Brett, what's happening?"

Brett pulled her closer as his grip on my hand tightened, "Close your eyes."

Hardly a second went by before the first arrow plummeted from the stands and straight towards Brett's beating heart. I couldn't close my eyes as I helplessly watched the arrow fly towards its target. Just when the arrow was about the slice through Brett's skin, a figure danced from the shadows and sliced it in half. It fell uselessly to the ground.

Standing between us and the bleachers was a girl of asian descent, her black hair wet against her face. She raised her sword and commanded, "Run!"

We took off instantly and dashed towards the other side of the field as the girl barreled through the onslaught of arrows. I held tightly to Brett as we pummeled into the soaked leaves of the forest floor that rested on the other side of the lacrosse field.

I could see the girl fiercely whip and twist in the field through the low hanging branches. Soon the arrows slowed and then stopped all together. That's when whispers came from behind us.

The three of us whipped around to see more irises stare at us from the shadows. I recognized Satomi standing in the middle, encircled by her dwindling pack. A teenage boy, which I remembered to be Reed from the night that Brett and I were almost skewered by the Knight assassin, stepped away from the crowd.

"What took you so long," Reed wasn't asking a question. He came up to Brett, but stood a few feet away, his eyes didn't know what to do.

The whole pack was shockingly quiet with their faces grimy and bloody. Whatever they had been facing while Brett and I were gallivanting all over Beacon Hills was brutal enough to quicken their heartbeat in a second and jar them into silence.

The girl with the sword skipped from the middle of the field and entered the tree line. Brett faced her, pushing his sister behind.

"Who are you?" Brett asked the girl, who had just saved our lives.

"I'm here to keep you safe." 


This is a pretty short chapter for this update, but I haven't had a lot of time lately since I've been studying NONSTOP for the SAT this upcomingweekend with only a few breaks. Those breaks are mostly filled with me watching RIVERDALE, which I've been watching so hard. Like literally, I'm totally obsessed and even thinking about maybe writing my own fanfic for the show. 

So, I finished season 6 of TW and are there more episodes or does the entire series (shh spoilers)  just end with Stiles and Scott riding the jeep off into the sunset? 

Enjoy your Sunday!!


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